Wheat…Good or Bad?

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    I live in the heartland of America, not far from the wheat capital of the world. I have been noticing pro and con reports concerning the quality of our wheat and how it has changed over the decades. Some claim that it is perfectly healthy and even better than before. Others say that the quality has drastically dropped as a result of genetic engineering and pesticides, making it somewhat unfit for human consupmtion. I was raised in the country. My father farmed 80 acres, mostly wheat and I remember chewing it fresh out of the husk and eating cracked wheat cereal for breakfast many mornings. I lived a healthy, organic farm life. However, I have read several reports, warning people of the dangers of today’s wheat. I don’t know what to believe.


    There are two major issues regarding wheat.
    1. Most of the products sold are made from refined wheat, which is considered to provide a huge nutritional disadvantage, and even some chronic disease risk.
    2. Wheat is troublesome for individuals with intolerance/sensitivities/allergies, etc. to both wheat and its major protein gluten. However, this is not everyone. If you do not have any characteristic symptoms (considering other reasons, of course), do continue to benefit from the many good things in wheat.


    Thank you Ossie. I do have bouts with allergies every spring and into early summer…mostly pollen, Oklahoma dust and hay. I haven’t been eating the wheat because of the reports, but perhaps I will pick up a bag at the health food store and give it a try. I do miss the cracked wheat cereal and the wheat gum.


    when cooking with rice or tapioca flour do you have to had any additional leavening to make things rise?

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