Recipes in menu planner

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    I’ve just joined and love the menu planner apart from the evening meal options. I’m being given the same thing all the time. I’ve looked at the recipe section and some of them are lovely but don’t appear on the list so I can select them as my foods for my meal planner. Can I add them myself and if so ,how?


    Hi, gerahump and welcome. We are working on something just like that as we speak!
    In the mean time, just click on any recipe that has a similar make-up to the one you want (i.e. a vegetable soup for a vegetable soup, a starch for a starch, etc., paying attention to mixed foods, i.e. vegetables with proteins) and then swap in what you want.


    Is it ok to swap a Monday supper with a Tuesday supper or are the foods chosen for the whole day to work together?


    Hi, penng10. You can definitely swap the dinners – the meals each have their own patterns.


    Thank you 🙂 Another question…is there a place I can go to see what else I can substitute for certain foods? I see in other conversations where popcorn and things like that can be substituted that are not on our menu list.


    Hi, penng10. When you get your menus, you’ll see at the top right corner of each item a couple of circular arrows – click on that, and alternatives will pop up.

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