Ever tried making kefir the traditional way, from kefir grains? This recipe is totally worth it...

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    1. 1 Tbsp. kefir grains
    2. 1 cup raw milk (preferably)

    3. You will also need:

    4. 2 glass jars (such as Mason jars), with metal lids, a plastic mesh strainer, and a rubber seal that will allow excess pressure to escape, to prevent ris
    5. A wooden or plastic spoon (do NOT use metal utensils with the kefir grains); clean


    1. Place the kefir grains and raw milk into a glass jar. Let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 24-48 hours (or until the grains have properly fermented the milk).
    2. Strain the kefir into another jar using a plastic mesh strainer. You can now drink the kefir immediately or cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator to chill first.
    3. The kefir grains that are in the strainer can then be put back into the empty jar (rinse the jar first, if needed). Add more fresh milk and repeat the process.

    4. If you do not want to make another batch right away, store the grains with enough milk to cover them in the refrigerator. You can store them with the lid on, as they will not produce much gas when refrigerated. Replace the milk with fresh milk once a week.

    Kefir can also be made vegan, as guided by Cultures for Health

    Place the milk kefir grains in nut, seed, coconut, or organic soy milk, and stir with a clean non-metal spoon. Allow to culture in a well-sealed jar, for 12 to 24 hours. After the 12th hour, check the kefir every few hours; when the kefir reaches the desired consistency, remove the grains.


    The instructions here are for making kefir the traditional way, from kefir grains. Kefir can also be made from a powdered starter, but this is a more expensive approach, as you will need to use a fresh starter every 1-7 brews (depending on the quality of the starter). Kefir grains, on the other hand, can be reused indefinitely and they will continue to multiply, so you will eventually have enough kefir grains to start sharing them with others.

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    Comments 24

    1. Kefir is common in the Russian and Ukranian culture. International markets that specialize in East European and Russian foods have Kefir and they may have the grains as well. This culture also knows how to make their own cottage cheese.

    2. Hi, Charlesbarsdell. Kefir does have a very small amount of natural alcohol that is generated during the fermentation process, but this is considered negligible. Water kefir it indeed an excellent replacement for soda.

    3. We make kefir and drink it almost every day -I add stevia, fibretastic, Coq10, biosil, glutagenics, chorella Magnesium,an electrolyte solution, and vitamin C. Kefir is a better source of probiotics than yoghurt. We have also made “ice cream ” out of it. We got the grains on-line, still using the same culture a year later. We use organic homogenized milk. I would like to know the caloric content of 8 OZ, fat, protein etc.

    4. I don’ t’know what is Kefir Please explain it to me first time I have heard about this Kafir Is it Fenugreek? I like to make it if I know what is Kefir is. Next time Please let me know.
      Thank you
      Love Sunethra

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