What is Raw Milk?

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet What is Raw Milk?


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    I noticed on menu suggestions and in recipes it suggests raw milk. I don’t know what this is.


    It is milk that has not been homogenized. Never drink any milk that has not been pasteurized (means heated to kill bacteria). All raw milk sold in stores has been pasteurized. Without the heat you can get a lot of very serious diseases, so if you buy milk from a farmer, insist they pasteurize it before you buy it (or make sure you do it at home). It is fun to have raw milk. You can skim the cream off the top for your coffee or shake it up in a jar to make butter.


    is it ok to use regular low fat milk instead of raw milk


    A good alternative would be low-fat or skim organic milk.


    I think I’ll stick to my skim milk. Thank you very much for the response. smiles.


    Skim is key!

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