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    I just started and im a bit scard i lost my wate by counting calories and but is so hard to mantain dose this really work????


    Ironically, it is more effective to focus on healthy foods, portions, and exercise, and forget about calories. It makes the right path become second nature instead of a torturous path that you can’t wait to leave – and when you do, all the weight comes back. When the goal becomes health, it distracts from the frustration of weight loss. But do be patient! The best, most permanent weight loss is slow.


    Just started and am a bit confused!
    1.On my Weekly menu planner it states “2 oz. of Perfect Grilled Trout” but when I go to recipe it instructs me to make make a salad and have 1/2 a cup of rice and 2oz trout. Does the 2 oz mentioned on the planner include the and salad and the rice?
    2. Further the planner says to have 1/2 a cup Shitake Chicken. Do I eat that as well as the rice?


    The menu planner results take into account everything in the recipe according to the portion size listed – any and all carbohydrates, protein, and fat.


    What does SWG mean?


    SWG stands for “Sprouted Whole Grains”


    I just started and my supermarket does not carry any dairy that notes “raw” milk or cheese. Any suggestions as to what I can substitute?


    what is raw milk and cheese


    Organic dairy can be a great alternative to raw. If are interested in finding raw, the following link may help


    Raw dairy products are those that have not undergone pasturizaton. It is thought that this better preserves the nutritional value and benefits.


    Just started and have a few questions on the weekly menu. It says you can switch lunch with dinner. Is that the only meals you can switch? What about snacks? Or even complete days? Thanks


    You can pretty much switch any meals you want, so long as there is protein at breakfast and most of your food intake is during the part of the day that you are most physically actice.


    14 grams of cashews? My scale does not measure this small amount. How many nuts?


    I have difficulty fitting in all the meals and snacks – my day is too busy at work.


    Hi, Purdee. 14 grams of nuts is generally about 2 tablespoons. As for the meals and snacks, just focus on the major meals, and consider drinking your snacks – you can use any of our smoothie/shake and soup recipes, fill up a thermos, and take it with you. If this doesn’t appeal to you, you can restructure your meals to include the extra portions of the food groups represented in the snacks.

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