Can anyone help?

Home Forums Diet Water Cooler Can anyone help?

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  • #21519

    I am so unused to this that I want to use the ‘feeling lucky’ menu for the first week. Can anyone tell me how to save it once I have generated it ?


    Hi SallyJB,

    Welcome aboard! Sticking to the weekly steps is the best way for you to maximize the program. Is there something specific that is slowing you down that we can help you with?

    In the meantime, please feel free to click on the following link:

    After the page loads, simply scroll down to page 24 (1 page before the final page). There you will find instructions on how to use the Feeling Lucky application.

    Good Luck!



    Thank you for the reply – it’s odd but I just feel as though I have been put down in the middle of a field that I know is fertile, but I have no idea how to plant the seeds. Am heading off to scroll through all the help I can find.

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