I'm a vegan – Help

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    Are there any vegans trying this plan? I looked at the menus and for dinner I only had two choices.


    Bravo for being a vegan. You are in good company here in the TrimDownClub. We are currently upgrading our MenuPlanner to be even more vegan-friendly, but in the meantime, pick whatever for dinner, and swap out foods for every oz of meat/poultry/fish according to the following:
    1 oz seitan, fu, tempeh, edamame, or fermented soybean curd (fuyu)
    1/2 oz (2 Tbsp.) nuts or seeds
    1/2 cup legumes (if you don’t have diabetes/prediabetes or high triglycerides, never mind that legumes are in the carbs category)

    If there are other meat subsitutes that you like, please let us know here.


    I’m a vegetarian and I can’t not choose the mandatory six choices for the protein section for dinner…my meal plan is therefore inaccurate! Any help on how to fix it?


    Hi, there. See the response below yours. We are upgrading the system, and the recommendations below can help.


    When you, eat cruifer veggies which have more protein than meat. Broccoli, cauliflower, kale and collared greens! The menu should have these as choices for those of us who don’t eat meat. For example: broccoli has 44% more protein than red and white meat.


    Hazel, we are currently upgrading the Menu Planner to include more protein options for vegans, particularly at the evening meal (meal #5 of the day). We are focusing on nuts, seeds, and traditional Asian meat-substitute types of products. You will still have the option of selecting vegetables in that separate group, just as you choose legumes from a separate group (carbs) even though they are a source of protein. The foods are grouped here according to how the body most uses them.
    Regarding the relative amounts of protein in green vegetables and meat, the following is a link to a major database detailing the nutrient contents of foods, generally by both weight and volume. Take a peek at the protein contents of broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables and you can compare it to meat and traditional meat substitutes – you can see from there why they are used differently here.

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