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    How does alcohol fit with this program? I normally have 2 drinds a day. Sometimes Chardoney, and sometimes a rusty nail. Should I substitute something?


    Alcohol is processed in the body like fat, and a sugary drink is also counted as a sweet (carb).
    For a rusty nail, assuming 1 jigger each of scotch and Drambuie (total 3 fl oz), that would come to 2 carbs and 4-5 fat exchanges.
    The chardonnay is much lower in carbs and alcohol, and so the average 4 fl oz glass would be counted as 2 fats.


    Is one or 2 glasses of red wine at night okay?


    We would suggest just one glass, and not the super jumbo ones – if you’re used to a lot, I would suggest cutting back gradually to a glass of 4-6 ounces a night. Keep in mind that alcohol is metabolized like both carbohydrates and fats, and so it would take the place of some of these.

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