How much water is recommended each day?

Home Forums Diet Water Cooler How much water is recommended each day?


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    Just wondering how much water or other fluids are recommended daily. Does coffee or tea count?


    Hi, gloryfire. Fluid needs are generally about eight 8 fluid ounce glasses per day. Coffee and tea only count for about half, but they are still advantageous because of their antioxidant content.


    So you mean eight glasses of water 8 oz. each?


    Hi, Rafaelg1976. Yes 🙂


    8 glasses a day sounds like a lot, but your whole body will thank you O:-) — hydrates all your organs, etc. I’m still recuperating fr severe dehydration a year ago. Drinking 8 oz at a time didn’t help cuz it seemed to go right through me. So every 20 minutes I’d drink two ounces. Kept me close to home and bathroom:-P. But if I didn’t do it the fibro took over with a vengeance and we all know how painful that can be. Now I can finally drink 4 oz every half hour to keep my body happy. I also add tart cherry to some of my water late in day to help me sleep. Prayers to you all to find what makes your body happy and healthy!


    What kind of flavorings can I add to water to make less boring.


    Hi USMC1811. You can add squeezes of fresh lime or lemon juice, to either regular or carbonated water. You can also infuse water with fruit essences by adding berries or cut up fruit to water and letting the combination sit for a few hours. If you want, you can sweeten any of these with a natural, no-carbohydrate sweetener such as Stevia or monk fruit.

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