mental health and exercise!

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    I haven’t exercised in years! I lifted weights in my thirties and forties, so proud of the heavy weight I could pump. No one told me light weights and more reps! Now in my sixties I’m fighting the flab. In my 4th week in the program I’ve gone from 10min on my cheap stationary bike to forty mins a day. The eating plan has given me energy I haven’t had in a long time. I’m a vet with PTSD and suffered from depression for years. I can’t tell you the difference in my well being that this plan has done for me! My depression is gone and I look forward to what I do each day. When I exercised before I wasn’t depressed but as I’ve aged and let myself go it has been really bad. I want it to last and want to say it really helps how you are emotionally to exercise. I just didn’t feel like doing it until I started this plan! In just four weeks my clothes fit better and I’ve gone from a 12W to a loose 12. My weight losing is slow but I’m putting on muscle I haven’t had in years. It’s worth it! I had to force myself at first but as I eat I have so much energy I don’t mind the exercise at all. Just get moving if your feeling bad. Eat right and you practically can’t help but get up and get going! Thanks for all the tips and God bless you all in your efforts.


    Way to go!!! We’re here for you!!! I’m so proud of you!!

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