Carb "exchange"

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    Please explain the exchange numbers. For instance, one food says 1/2 carb and 1 protein. When I read a label it says, numbers in grams like 25g carbs or 16g protein. How does one measurement translate to the other? I am just ending my first week.


    Hi, Ch00Ch00. Our exchanges are similar to those of the American Diabetic Association (see ours here
    Each carb exchange is equal to 15 grams of carbohydrates and allows for 3 grams of protein
    Each protein exchange is equal to 7 grams of protein and allows for up to 5 grams of fat
    Each fat exchange is equal to 5 grams of fat
    Each sweet exchange is equal to 15 grams of carbohydrate plus 5 grams of fat
    Each fruit exchange is equal to 15 grams of carbohydrate
    Each vegetable exchange is equal to 5 grams of carbohydrate and includes 2 grams of protein
    Each free exchange generally has up to 2 grams of carbohydrate, protein, or fat.


    I am a diabetic on insulin using one unit of insulin for 7.5 grams of carbohydrates, therefore a + or – variation in carbs might make a difference of +1 or -1 unit, or more, insulin in my mealtime dosage. This amount of error could have serious consequenses for me especially if I take too great a dose of insulin. I would prefer actual nutrient content in grams instead of just exchanges. Thanks.


    That is very helpful. Thank you. Guess I need Togo over the material again. I just finished my first week & I lost two lbs!


    Congratulations, Ch00Ch00! We wish you continued success 🙂


    Hi, LindaAlbert. Our exchanges are very precise – the only margin for error is in nature and if you used processed products (which we are truly, truly hoping you don’t!). If you run into problems, please do repost.
    We are working on a function that will list grams in addition to exchanges.

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