Weight updates

Home Forums 60-Day Challenge Weight updates


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  • #26310

    Anyone know if I can change my weight that I’ve added for week one and two? It’s showing the wrong numbers – I’m not sure why. Also every menu says week one every week – is there a way to change this without having to go into menu history and make sure it’s the correct week?


    Hi, fuciabella. I have forwarded your query to tech support. Someone will get back to you within a day.


    Regarding the weight inputs, we suggest entering your new weight. We are currently working on adding an option where you can delete weights. To stop your weekly menu from showing week 1, simply create your menu through the “Create a Menu” button in the homepage.

    To access the menu, follow the steps below:

    1. Go to http://www.trimdownclub.com
    2. On the top right corner of the homepage click Login
    3. Enter your username and password (You can also use your email address as your username. If you lost or forgot your password, click Login and then choose “lost password.” Follow the steps on the screen to reset your password)
    4. Once you are logged in, go to “Create a Menu”
    5. To create a personal menu plan where you have the ability to choose your own foods, simply click on “START MENU PLANNER” (orange button to the right of the page). If you prefer to receive a pre-planned menu, simply click on “READY-TO-GO MENU”

    In addition, to learn how to use the Menu Planner, simply click on the following link: http://www.trimdownclub.com/menu-planner-tutorial/

    I hope this helps. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

    To your success!

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