Shopping and Waste

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    TDC seems to make sense and I really want to give it a try, but for a single person, shopping to fulfill the needs of a weekly menu seems enormously complex and/or wasteful. Yes, if I buy ingredients to make oat pancakes, I can freeze the second serving, but where do I keep all the other items that are being used this week, but maybe not next week? Having a wide variety of choices means having a widen variety of perishable foods on hand, with no idea of when they will show up on a menu again. If you could enter a COMPLETED shopping list and have the menu planner adjust to it for upcoming days, that would help.

    Right now, I am confused and a little discouraged.


    Hi. I’m sort of new at this too. However, I have been doing the weight loss thing a looong time. What I think you need to do is relax, and don’t beat yourself up. do what you can. perfection is not attainable, much less sustainable. Set small goals for yourself, and congratulate yourself for the achievement. It’s great that you’ve made oat pancakes! gold star for that. Now just get through till snack and then lunch. Celebrate! If you can’t find the exact items on the menu substitute the closest item you can. success! Wish you well.


    Hi, GFilieau (and thanks, Liz!). Please do feel free to repeat meals and even whole days and weeks as often as you want. In addition, you can specify in your profile that you want minimal variety, and then go through the Menu Planner application to receive menus that may be better suited toward your lifestyle.

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