Improved & Upgraded Menu Planner

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    The Trim Down Club Menu Planner has recently undergone a significant upgrade! We have taken the wonderful feedback we received from users, and made it all more friendly. The program still has the same method of food selection, but with vastly expanded food choices – AND with flexibility built-in to swap out items as you wish, even after you received your weekly menu. What’s more, check out your menu’s health level and adjust it simply to maintain a healthier lifestyle!
    We hope you find these changes helpful, and that they make your experience with the Trim Down Club even more rewarding and fun.

    To Your Success!
    Trim Down Club


    I just joined and clicked on the apps button to select the food that I like and then to get my menus. It starts out under the morning category, asks you to pick all the foods that you like and then tells you to hit the next button. There is no next button on my screen. Maybe it just isn’t showing up. Could anyone tell me where it is located on the page (top, bottom, right, left) so that I can mouse over that part of the page and find the button even though I can’t see it.


    mine is on bottom right

    Bernice gomer

    There is no next button and we all seem to be complaining about the same thing. The diet is not clear. Do we eat one of everything on the list. E.g. Breakfast – whatever you have listed. One of each or what.


    Hi, your alternatives are much higher in calories and fat etc then the item it is replacing.


    TrimDownClub – can you please explain the percentage for each meal when using the meal planner?

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