full time student, wife, and mother

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  • #29158

    I hope this will work for me i have tried everything only for the weight to come back like bad karma lol:)


    Hi, Ms. Lecoles, and welcome! Just ease into it – remember, you don’t have to be perfect, just do a little better each time. We are happy to help in whatever way we can.


    I just joined, so how much weight have you lost since it’s been 4 months?


    I just joined the club today 3 days. I am excited – on my menu I need to eat olives which I don’t like, I looked for a substitute but there is none, can you suggest what I could eat instead.


    Hi, Pr1ncess, and welcome! Olives are in the “fats” category, so you can substitute for them with other fats. For example, for every 5 “jumbo” olives, you can have 2 tablespoons of avocado, 1 teaspoon of any oil, 1 tablespoon of salad dressing, or even cross over into the fatty proteins and have a tablespoon of nuts or seeds, half a tablespoon of nut butter, 2 tablespoons of sour cream or shredded hard cheese, etc.


    Are the Olives supposed to be black or green? Does it matter?

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