advanced plus option

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    trying to decide if I should or need to pay $57 more to get the audio app etc. Any comments out there from people who are glad they did or didn’t. In my life, every penny has to count! I am excited and impressed with this program so far and just signed up last night. I have left open my window for signing up at the $57 price verses $199. Your thoughts?


    I can only speak for myself, but I didn’t go for the audio app because I prefer to read written material than have it spoken to me, as well as not owning an ipad, smartphone or whatever one needs. I’ve reached Day 13 of the programme, and haven’t deviated from it. I find the variety of tasty and easily prepared food is enough to keep my taste buds interested and on task. I don’t appear to be losing much weight as yet, but I am certainly losing inches, and feeling much happier, more energetic and motivated.

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