Kale for lovers and haters alike ~ this simple, smooth, sweet nutrition powerhouse is sure to win you over!

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  • Preparation Time

    5 minutes

  • Difficulty Rating


  • Health Level


  • Serves



  1. 1 cup / 67 g kale leaves, chopped
  2. 1 medium pear, cored and chopped
  3. 1 cup / 240 ml pure unsweetened coconut water, chilled


  1. Purée ingredients together until smooth, about 30 seconds.

Serving Size: 1 cup / 240 ml

Exchanges per Serving: 1 Veg, 1 Fruit

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Comments 5

    • Hi, Elvira. Each serving (1/2 of the recipe) yields about 20 grams of carbohydrate and 2 grams of protein. If you are interested in this information for other recipes, you can translate the “Exchanges per Serving” information to nutrient grams using the following approximate values:
      1 carbohydrate exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 3 grams of protein
      1 protein exchange = 7 grams of protein + up to 5 grams of fat
      1 fat exchange = 5 grams of fat
      1 fruit exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates
      1 vegetable exchange = 5 grams of carbohydrates + up to 2 grams of protein
      1 sweet exchange = up to 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 5 grams of fat
      1 free exchange = up to 5 grams of carbohydrates or up to 2 grams of protein or fat
      These are based on exchanges systems used by dietetic and diabetes associations around the world.

  1. Hello this looks great and can’t wait to prepare. Looking through the my planned meals I don’t see where these drinks would fit in to my meal plan and need your assistance. Also not seeing tea or coffee as a drink option did I miss this?

    • Hi, cvhaze. Plain tea and coffee are “free” beverages, so they don’t need to be counted in your menu (only the sweeteners and whiteners do). As for fitting recipes into the plan, just compare the exchanges listed at the end of them to those in your menu (you can see these by clicking on “Exchange mode” in the toolbar above your finished menu).

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