Exchanges per serving

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    So often, when I see a recipe I’d like to try, the “exchanges per serving” show up very differently on the actual recipe than how they show up on the menu planner. 1st question: Which place are the exchanges showing up correctly?
    2nd question: How am I supposed to get my menu planner balanced if the exchanges aren’t showing what they are supposed to?


    Hi, Caryl1205. The exchanges in the actual recipe are the most accurate. those in the menu planner are adjusted to make the overall meal and day fit together. It looks odd, but it ultimately balances out. The exchanges in the recipes are for when you want to fit them in manually.


    OK, but when I fit the recipes in manually to my personal menu planner, the exchanges still show up differently to what they say in the recipe. If I can’t tell that I’m balancing things out properly, how do I know that I’m doing this right?
    So far, this seems to be a lot of time and confusion, with no results.


    Hi, Caryl. It’s OK if they don’t fit perfectly, especially if you’re not a diabetic. If you want to give me an example, I would be happy to help.


    Thank you, but there are too many examples to give. I guess I’ll just bumble along and hope for the best!


    Hi. Can I make a suggestion with regards to the details that are displayed for recipes. I would like to exchange a dinner menu within my plan which states its 2 carbs/2 protein/1fat, however it takes a very long time to go through all 45 pages of recipes to see what each of the promotions are so I can try and ‘exchange’ it! Could this info be placed where the title and bread description is (i.e. on the first page)miso that it can least be seen straight away. Even better, could there be a filter that allows you to filter what proportions you need? Thanks


    *Predictive text!! Promotion = proportion, bread = brief and miso = is


    Hi, rumming. The tech development team is working on something like that right now. I’ll forward your suggestion. Thanks 🙂


    How do you know how many carb prof fat you should have per day. Is there a guide like 4prot : carb 2 dat ?


    Hi, Karon. Yes – just click on “Exchange mode” in the toolbar above your menu, and you will see your allotted exchanges (units similar to those used by dietetics and diabetes organizations). The general nutritional values are as follows:
    1 carb exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 3 grams of protein
    1 protein exchange = 7 grams of protein + up to 5 grams of fat
    1 fat exchange = 5 grams of fat
    1 fruit exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates
    1 vegetable exchange = 5 grams of carbohydrates + up to 2 grams of protein
    1 sweet exchange = up to 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 5 grams of fat
    1 free exchange = up to 5 grams of carbohydrates or up to 2 grams of protein or fat


    Hi, Karon. Yes – just click on “Exchange mode” in the toolbar above your menu, and you will see your allotted exchanges (units similar to those used by dietetics and diabetes organizations). The general nutritional values are as follows:
    1 carb exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 3 grams of protein
    1 protein exchange = 7 grams of protein + up to 5 grams of fat
    1 fat exchange = 5 grams of fat
    1 fruit exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates
    1 vegetable exchange = 5 grams of carbohydrates + up to 2 grams of protein
    1 sweet exchange = up to 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 5 grams of fat
    1 free exchange = up to 5 grams of carbohydrates or up to 2 grams of protein or fat

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