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    I’ve just enrolled today and am going out for a meal tonight. Would a good choice be a steak, jacket potato and salad?


    Hi, Christine, and welcome! Those are excellent choices – just be sure to pay attention to portion sizes and additives (sauces, dressings, etc.), as well as beverages (best to go with water). For example, the steak serving should be the size of the palm of your hand without the fingers (take any extra home for another meal, or share it with someone), the potato shouldn’t have more than a pat of butter or a tablespoon of sour cream, and the salad dressing should be on the side – just use a tablespoon. If it’s a later enough dinner, you can skip the evening snack and instead have an extra something at dinner – half a glass of red wine or an extra half-palm of steak, or double the sauces/dressings. Do skip any appetizers or table snacks/breads.


    Hi I joined today and trying to get my head around things i clicked on menu planner and ticked all the foods I liked. I saved my foods and asked it to create a menu planner.

    I am now as this is the menu for my first day… Breakfast – Muffin, spread, cottage cheese and 1 cup of strawberries, Snack – Egg, bread, 30g cream cheese. Lunch – 130g prawns, 1 cup pasta, pesto sauce and 2 servings of veg. Dinner – 1/2 cup chips, bread, 60g F.Free Cheese, 1 serving of veg. Snack 6 Crackers, 6 crackers, 1/3 cheese ricotta and serving of veg.

    Confused, 4 cheese things in a day, chips when I don’t like chips
    and too much bread

    I was trying to swap food but I kept getting blue and red figures.

    What are other people having per day? I would love to see someones daily menu.


    Hi, Maggy. It looks like you might be better served by using the fully personal version of the Menu Planner application. You can access it by clicking on “My Food Choices” in the toolbar above any of your menus – there you will be brought to food lists from which you can select what you like and for which meals.


    Hello, My name is Barbara and I am just starting. Yesterday was really my first day but I wasn’t prepared so I kinda winged it.
    I have 2 questions; do I have to eat all of this food? And what about drinks? Can you suggest something and is there an amount?


    Hi, Barbara, and welcome! We do encourage you to eat all the foods listed – to prevent hunger and to ensure your nutirtional needs are met – but if it is too much, let us know here, and we will work with you. With regard to beverages, we of course recommend water, still or carbonated, plain or flavored with cut up fruit peels (just steep like tea). We also recommend teas and coffee – just be wise about what you add to it, avoiding artificial creamers and sweeteners. If you like soda, we recommend you make your own rather than relying on readymade products with excessive sugar or artificial sweeteners that can work against your goals here; just dress up plain soda water with natural flavor extracts (yes, “cola” is available!) or citrus peels and a natural no-carb sweetener (such as Stevia, monk fruit, and/or erythritol). Other beverages, such as fresh-squeezed juices and milks, are considered foods, and those portions are limited according to what else is in your meal – most of the time, a juice serving size is 1/2 cup (120 ml) of fresh-squeezed (anything else isn’t recommended), and a milk serving is 1 cup.

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