Coffee Creamer

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Coffee Creamer

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    I just started this program and I wanted to know what kind of coffee creamer is acceptable to use? I cannot give up coffee and also cannot drink it black. Any suggestions and help are appreciated! Thanks.


    AV, I just started this program also 3 days ago! There aren’t many folks logging in to the forums (LOL) so, don’t be surprised if you peruse the topics to see postings from a month ago or even 6 months ago! I’m like you and cannot give up coffee and I cannot drink it black. Use Half and Half or milk. I use Half & Half because it’s like butter is better than margarine! Good luck to your weight loss efforts! I’m on track to lose at least 3 lbs this first week.


    Hi, av70062. Sandals41 is absolutely on track – use a truly all-natural creamer, as anything artificial will interfere with your efforts here. Up to a few tablespoons a day wouldn’t need to be counted, but if you want to use more, please do repost here, and I would be happy to help you work it into your menu.

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