All the taste of your favorite oatmeal without the oats!

Nutritional values per serving: Kcal: 600; Protein: 11g | Fat: 57g | Net Carb: 10 g

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  • Preparation Time

    5 minutes
  • Cooking Time

    2 minutes
  • Difficulty Rating

  • Health Level

  • Serves



  • Flaxseed, 2 tbsp, ground (14 g)
  • Almond flour, 1 tbsp. (10 g)
  • Coconut Milk, 0.8 cup (182 g)
  • Almond Milk, 1/2 cup (131 g)
  • Dried coconut, not sweetened, 1 tablespoon
  • Berries of choice, fresh or frozen/unsweetened, 1/2 cup (70 g)
  • Pumpkin seeds, 0.5 portion(s) (5 g)
  • Vanilla extract, 1/3 tsp (3 g)
  • Cinnamon, 0.3 tsp (1 g)


  1. Warm saucepan on the stove.
  2. Add flaxseed, almond flour, dried coconut, vanilla powder, cinnamon, coconut milk and almond milk.
  3. Stir continuously until the mixture is hot and it gets thick like oatmeal.
  4. Pour the mixture in a bowl and add berries and pumpkin seeds.

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Comments 36

  1. This recipe is good, however, mine turned out more like glue than oatmeal. Is this right? Also, what is 0.5 portions mean? I hate when the recipes say this or say 0.8 cups or 0.3 tsp and then has it in parentheses in grams. I don’t convert to grams. I know the 0.8 cups is 12.8 tbsp, can this be listed differently?

    • Hi, Tracy0182. No, because the coconut milk (the canned type for cooking, not the beverage) is the main source of fat in this recipe, and what makes it keto-supportive. If you don’t want to use coconut milk, then increase the almond milk to 1 cup, the almond flour and grated coconut to 1/3 cup each, and the pumpkin seeds to 1.5 tablespoons (10 g).

    • Hi, Deitraj98. Oats are high in carbohydrates, and so not keto-supportive, which is why you won’t find them in our keto recipes. Oatmeal-like recipes that are keto use coconut or almond meal instead (they can also be based on other nut meals) to keep the fat content high. If none of those are appealing to you, please let me know.

    • Hi, Luz62, and welcome. What do you think of the recipes in your menu plan? Note that you can swap them for others by clicking on the edit tool, then selecting from the pop-up list of alternatives. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, please do repost here, and I will work with you toward a good fit.

  2. Hi! New to this and trying to learn how to navigate the website. I was looking for an app that will help me open up, right to the website? Can’t seem to find it. Also, I’m a bit confused with the whole menu thing? Lol how many times should I eat per day? 3 meals and 3 snacks? When I look at the grocery list, I’m surprised that there are fruits and grains? Are those keto acceptable?

    • Hi, Ciccarone. The website in its entirety is available through the regular web on your smartphone – no download needed, just bookmark it.
      Some fruits in small amounts can still be worked into a keto-supportive plan – it depends on the total amount of fat in the meal. As for “grains,” that’s just the way the system differentiates between coconut as a fruit or fat source and its use for flour, etc. Coconut absolutely is keto-supportive.

    • Hi, Sclarke1984. I have forwarded your query to the tech development team. I suspect it may be because of the rush to create a variety of recipes. If you see something that interferes with preparing the recipe, please let me know, and I would be happy to help.

    • Hi, karenher. I am the Chief Dietitian-Nutritionist here. Starting a new plan can indeed be confusing, and I’m happy to help however I can. Note that the Trim Down Club has a few different routes, one of them being keto – you may have noticed our regular low-carbohydrate plan and been spooked. When you generate a menu set, you will definitely see only keto-appropriate recipes.
      If needed, you can post any questions or concerns you have, and I will get back to you.

      • My husband has been following a keto plan for 6 months. He just saw his doctor for an annual check up. He was happily surprized. His bloodwork showed his triglycerides were well in the normal range for the first time in 18 years! His cholesterol remains in the normal range with medication but it showed significant improvement also.

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