A fast lunchbox, for ketoers on the go!

Nutritional values per serving: Kcal: 473 - Protein: 14, Fat: 41g, Net Carb: 9g

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  • Preparation Time

    5 minutes
  • Baking Time

    0 minutes
  • Difficulty Rating

  • Health Level

  • Serves



  • Strawberries, 1 cup, halves (152 g)
  • Arugula, 1 cup (28 g)
  • Goat Cheese, 2 oz (60 g)
  • Olive Oil, 1 1/2 tablespoon (23 g)
  • Red Wine vinegar, 1 teaspoon (5 g)


  1. In a blender mix 1/3 of the strawberries with olive oil and vinegar
  2. Place the arugula in a serving dish
  3. Dice the goat cheese. Place it on top of the arugula with the remaining strawberries.
  4. Serve the dressing separately or on top.

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    Comments 5

      • Hi, Sheshe2. Raspberries are fine, and the amount is the same (blackberries, too), but blueberries are much higher in carbohydrates, so only a few tablespoons can be used if you want to keep this recipe keto-supportive.

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