I have to get this right

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    My blood sugar is high. My cholesterol is high. I am unhealthy. I’m hoping this plan will work for me. I tried Weight watchers and felt like I was starving. Hopefully I can get my husband on board to.
    Any tips or advice for this plan?


    Hi, ShawnaScott. We did indeed design the program to help with blood sugar and cholesterol issues, so you did come to the right place. We also arrange our plans to prevent hunger. The best advice I can give you at this stage is to ease into things here and make gradual changes that will add up – this tends to better pave the road for sustainable success.


    Shawna- I too have got to get this right! Off until the 5th so I hope to do some experimenting on food prep to make it doable for me. I have to get my water flowing. I do a 16 oz cup with 4 rubber bands..each empty cup I remove a band. I know that works for me. Meal prep will be my challenge. Got a ton of freezer bags. Gonna cook today. Gotta figure out my veggies. 3 lunch servings! Any tips that work for you?

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