Questions after week 1

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    Hi, Live Chat isn’t working for me – is this the best place to ask?
    I’ve just come to the end of my 1st week – so have a few questions!
    1. I can’t find anywhere that succinctly explains the way TDC works – is there somewhere? The introduction video doesn’t spell things out in detail about the food. I think you are saying that carbs are ok in moderation when partnered with protein, is that right?
    2. How does the exchange system work, it looks really complicated – are there instructions somewhere?
    3. Do I need to eat the menu exactly how it says for the right food combinations to work – for example it says cheese with a granola bar for one of my snacks – can I save that cheese as a topping for my dinner or is it important to eat it with the bar? – also it says 1 serving of low fat cheddar cheese – what weight measurement should that be? For another snack it says 1 portion of veg plus 1 of fruit & yogurt (I’ve had the fruit and yogurt but not needed the veg – is that ok to leave something out?)
    4. I’m confused by cup measurements, we don’t use them here in the UK – Google says that 1 cup of dry food is 128g but the porridge recipe says 1 cup of cooked porridge is 250g. Does that mean that 1 cup of raw leek is 128g and 1 cup of cooked pasta is 250g?
    5. Can I use Oxo (stock cubes) for flavouring meat or veg?
    6. I’m confused about which ‘granola bar’ to have. I know we should avoid artificial sweeteners – what exactly are we looking for on the food labels (I’ve been living on ‘diet’ food and need to know what to avoid!)
    Sorry for all the questions!


    Hi, KateGreenART. The following are responses to your great questions:
    1. Yes – you can find this information in our main program guide, which you can download through the “My Guides” area (link in the toolbar near the top of each site page). And yes, carbohydrates in moderation are fine (especially if they are of high quality, e.g., high-fiber), particularly when they are paired with protein.
    2. The exchange system is actually rather simple, no worries. It just means that certain amounts of the various food groups can be used as building blocks for a menu. Each corresponds to the following approximate nutritional values:
    1 carbohydrate exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 3 grams of protein (80 calories)
    1 protein exchange = 7 grams of protein + up to 5 grams of fat (75 calories)
    1 fat exchange = 5 grams of fat (45 calories)
    1 fruit exchange = 15 grams of carbohydrates (60 calories)
    1 vegetable exchange = 5 grams of carbohydrates + up to 2 grams of protein (25-40 calories)
    1 sweet exchange = up to 15 grams of carbohydrates + up to 5 grams of fat (125 calories)
    1 free exchange = up to 5 grams of carbohydrates or up to 2 grams of protein or fat (25 calories)
    3. If you aren’t diabetic, you can switch things around as you like; I would recommend avoiding loading up too much very close to bedtime, though. A serving of low-fat cheddar (or other hard) cheese is about 50 grams. Since there are so many vegetable servings in the plan, you can leave a couple out – just make sure that by the end of the day, you’ve had a total of 5 fruit/vegetable servings.
    4. Each cup is 240 ml
    5. Oxo cubes aren’t ideal, as they have quite a few ultraprocessed/chemical ingredients. Something like the items on this list ( would be better – see the ingredients for an idea of the sort of thing we recommend. Most of the products are available in or to the UK.
    6. The best granola bars are made from whole foods only – see an example of a product here: (scroll down to see the type of ingredients list we favor).


    Thank you that’s really helpful! I’d not spotted the downloads!

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