does this really work

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    i just had a look at the meal arranger and the meals look very wierd, mashed potatoe and a curry, then leeks on the side?? and a fritter and pancake all for breakfast? really, i feel as if ive just been conned out of £36!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Hollycant17. I felt the same way when I started. But don’t give up. I am on my forth day and have lost 10 lbs already.


    Hi Holly,
    I was really freaked out the first time I pulled a menu up too. They suggest you check everything that you would eat, and I did but then I realized that I didn’t have most of the stuff in my pantry! So I went back through and unchecked some of the items until I can get to the grocery store and created a new menu.
    Once you’ve done that, if you think the combo they’ve come up with for your meal is weird, you can click on the symbol that looks like a refresh button to the side of any item and it will give you a list of things you can substitute for each food item.
    I’m still getting in the swing of things myself. This is only day 4 for me and I have not yet gotten on the scale, but I can tell that I feel so much better.
    Good luck to you and be encouraged : )


    Hi Holly, I don’t follow the meal planner exactly as some things are hard to get hold of and others just seem strange, you can substitute for something else, other times I just don’t have it. So far I’m delighted lost 5lbs in my first week.
    I have a cup of green tea every day after breakfast, as i’m told this helps to keep the fat burning.
    I always have a good breakfast with a mixture of carbs, protein fruit and fat.
    So please don’t loose heart/


    My name is Judy and I am new as of monday.I have spent the past 4 days trying to figure it all of today I think I might be on my way to losing some weight.I would appreciate any far as the meals ? are we suppose to eat all that 0r pick what you want it just seems like alot of food.Thank you.


    I’m with you hollycant17…wierd meals! Not sure if this is for me!


    Yes I agree with you all the meals do sound wierd but I find them nutritious and tasty.I have lost approx 2kgs in 7days and havent had any red meat and I was a meat and potatoes man.Just bought some new clothes over Xmas should have got a size smaller


    Hi, Judy. Yes, all of the foods on the list are intended to be eaten. It seems like a lot because this is not a temporary weight loss diet, but rather a healthy lifestyle. You should not be hungry and craving. If you find it really does not work for you, you can cut back on portions of fats and carbs, but be careful not to go so low that you know you can’t sustain it longterm.


    I have been on a similar way of eating before and you get used to things very quickly. It’s an adventure in new tastes and you will develop new favorites. I remember the first time I had brown rice bread and said “Ewwwww…..yuck…..packing foam…..eeeewwww….” But now I CRAVE rice bread!!! Especially toasted. I just used my illness as an excuse to eat some not so healthy stuff and gained a lot of weight back. But I’ve made a start today, with healthier choices, more water, and moving this old body more. By next week, all the not so healthy stuff will be gone (I am NOT throwing food away) and I should be eating 100% Trim Down! C’mon, you can do it!


    Hollycant17, i feel the same way. I just looked at my menu and it will be hard to get some of the recipes and they don’t seem family friendly. My kids and husband will not eat most of this. I don’t think this plan is for me. Feel I have been ripped off.


    I’m just newly signed up and excited! Lots of the info I already knew about but need help with what to eat and when, etc. I see there is a 14 day quick start plan?? Where do I find it?


    I think with all diets or food choices it has to work for yopu..sure there are lots of things on this one that I dont like , BEANS…I will leave that out for now and make other choices until my taste buds are ready…I will try cottage cheese if it is in the reciepe but not on its those are little changes that you can make and lose the weight. Remember you can’t continue to eat those sweets..or desserts and no veggies if you plan to lose weight give it a go see if something changes….


    Ok Jewelgm26 I hear what you are saying and I’ve been reading the recipes. I’m am going to do my own juggling around and see if I can make it work to suit me. See I love beans and cottage cheese so I am going to give it a serious go. Won’t be doing the soy thought shellfish like mussels, prawns and crab I can eat. Best foot forward and see how I go.


    I have literally just joined, I have an operation in 3 months – I was told yesterday, I need to loose weight. I have not figured out how to get a 14 day planner , also I cannot down load all the information on my iPad. I don’t want to feel conned, the video looked brilliant, I have purchased all the different programmes. I’m not sure how to get started! HELP


    Hi I started last week and i just want to say it is really confusing. Your reciepes call for suff I never heard of. I cannot afford to buy all those different kinds of flours.
    I am not satisfied with this plan at all.

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