Getting started

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    I’m having a hard time getting started as I had so much other food in the house to get rid of first. This is really HARD.


    Hi TrimMe, Just throw it out, if you can afford it, or give it away. Start today, I know you can do it. It is just a decision, and one that could give you a long healthy life. Go for it. Yours in weight loss Steiny


    Thanks, Steiny. I am getting there. I downloaded a menu and have a grocery list all made up so the bit of other food I have in the house at this point I think I can part with. I did good today. Went out to eat but just ordered grilled rosemary chicken with green beans and potatoes, no dessert and drank unsweetened tea. I only ate half and brought the other half home. I will try to get the right groceries in tomorrow.


    Ok then, I have done some shopping but can I substitue raw butter for good old English butter? Could not find raw cheese or milk. Help UK trimsters. I am finding the raw stuff impossible.


    If you can’t find raw dairy – or would prefer not to use it – organic dairy is just fine.

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