Today is the beginning of a new me

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Today is the beginning of a new me

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    Well maybe life will start ar 40, which I will be in a few weeks. I have jumoed on board. And i am ready to go. Just need to find alternatives to some of the foods. Being Aussie I have not heard of some of them but I am raring to give it a go. Heres to the new me 🙂


    Welcome aboard Kelz1973!
    You should give the FAQ’s a look. It’s at the bottom of the page and shows places where you can buy. You should also take a look through some of the other threads in the commumity. There are lots of other Aussies in the club. One of these days I would love to come visit you all, the pictures I have seen always look so beautiful!
    Happy healthy eating 🙂


    Welcome, Kelz! Ahhh….I remember my 40s with great fondness. It was my favorite decade! Enjoy!

    Mary Elle


    Thankyou for the welcome


    hi my name is rachel and im almost 40…hoping this food plan works for me not much else has been successful. I am so excited to try something new!!


    I have ahard time losing weight because I have heart ,breathing problems,off and on steroids i lose some and gain some. Hope doing this will help. I am not a good planner,so maybe this will help.


    Hope I can stick with it this time!!! Been dieting off and on my whole life.This will be a new start for me.Hope to make some new friends


    anyone know how to lower cholesterol by diet as can’t take statins. Have tried almonds, seeds etc but it just goes up.


    Other items found to be good for balancing cholesterol include oat bran, olive oil, and omega-3 fatty acids. Antioxidants are also very, very important (found in green, white, and red teas, as well as fruits and vegetables) to protect your body against cholesterol. Finally, regular aerobic exercise (i.e., walking at least 20 minutes per day) can be like medicine.


    Well done Kelz1973. I’m from Melbourne, 35, 2 kids….needing to get on top of my out of control eating of rubbish!! Here we go!


    Hello, I have just joined and looking forward to getting on board. I do have crohnes so some foods can’t be tolerated but will do my best. I need to lose 2 stone.

    How do I find the 14 day menu?


    I am so excited about this new journey I have decided to take! As mentioned I too have been trying to lose weight for many years. I started a couple of weeks ago and last night found this fantastic site! I look forward to sharing my ups and downs and getting to a healthier eating style. I really like the interaction that is available as well.


    I have just copied my post from another thread here too.

    Hi everyone, I have just joined a couple of nights ago. I am 54 years old and live in New South Wales Australia. I have been struggling with my weight now for about 10 years. I am only short and cant afford to put any more weight on as I am the heaviest I have ever been. I was always average to a bit under weight until I turnes 40 and then it started piling on. I need to lose about 20 kgs. I lost about 8 kgs about 5 years ago but put it back on again.

    My health is starting to deteriorate as I have high blood pressure and spent a night in hospital last week with suspected heart problems so I have to lose this weight and improve my heart health.

    I have tried so many diets (and spent heaps of money)over the years and found this one my accident when researching heart health. I thought it sounded promising so signed up. I have been more or less following it for the last 2 days. It seems easy to follow and I like how the menus are based on foods you like and things can be swapped. Some of the recipes are a little unusual to me but some look lovely. I havent cooked any yet but have ingredients for the lemon muffins.

    I have loved reading through all the posts and have learnt a lot. I feel like I know some of you already. Still need to read heaps more.

    Congratulations to those who have lost weight. It does seem like a lot of food to eat but I love eating so will manage it all.

    Good luck to all on this cruise (love that idea)to healthy living.


    Hi, LuckyLucy. The 14-Day Express Menu is available through “My Downloads” above.

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