nettieluv/aussie dieters

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    hi,just joined and would love to hear from australian members as our food/wieghts are different…example we dont have fresh turkey/cuts or fillets readily available i notice they are used alot in menu choices.any other great menu tips and help would be greatly appreciated.thanx


    Hi there! I’m in Oz as well. I’ve raised the issue of measurements which it seems they are working on. Alot of things are an enigma to me lol, but I think once we get some food happening it should be OK. Coles health food section has quite some stuff (a bit expensive though) required in the recipes. I think I’ll stick to my own fat free recipes, as you say we’re not all that big on turkey here. IGA supermarket in Victoria stock SWG bread. Chat soon Mym


    Coles have the turkey sometimes . I have been sustituting with Chicken . I think of it a just a small turkey

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