Newbee 2013

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    The reality of the current state of affairs in our country hit me when I was let go from my job of 18 years. The task of getting your own health insurance and the cost (based on what if any medical prescriptions you may take) is mind blowing. The reality of it all for me was that two of the three meds I take could be removed with diet and exercise. I have always known that but the cost of my meds was not that much of an issue when I was working because I could pay for them. Life was going on as usual. But when you have to pull full price out of your pocket reality kicks in. This is my hit with a 2×4 between the running lights, as the old saying goes. Major Light went off. I’m on the way to change this by following this program. The food may not be cheap but it beats the extra cost of insurance and meds.


    Well welcome to the club DSM51 🙂 glad you’re here

    We all need that slap on the back of the head sometimes! Once you get going on this plan you will feel so much better then before you’ll wonder why you didn’t do it sooner. And who knows, maybe with time you won’t even need the meds!


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