I am really Struggling!

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    I am really struggling to get my self motivated enough to start.. Each morning I do so well. Lunch I can do pretty good but come afternoon into evening I fail so miserably that I am not sure how to pick myself up. Does anyone have any suggestions to help with afternoon/evening eating.. I have tried the stay out of the kitchen plan because that is such a trigger for me.. Problem is, you have to go through the kitchen for everything. I just really need to get back on the band wagon and not fall off right away. I have to get rid of this “all or nothing” mentality. Ok off of my soap box. I am going to start fresh and keep going.


    I totally u doers tans what you are experiencing. Try keeping a glass or bottle of water handy at all times, even if you have one in every room and as you pass through the room just take a big drink. I find that if I’m drinking it helps a bit. I’m having a bit of a struggle since my husband isn’t dieting, nor does he have a desire to, so I’m cooking his meals as well as watching him eat stuff I can’ t have. It’s getting better, though. Try the water thing. Also, I pray for God to help me. Bless you, June


    Pebbles it is so difficult when there are things that are not on the diet in your home. I found that after a few days I did not crave sweets as much. Try replacing your urges with foods you can have. You should not have to suffer through this.

    I eat at night sugar free icecream by klondike. It probably is not a listed item but it cures me for that delicious dessert!

    Good luck!


    That word was understand.


    Thank you so much you guys for the wonderful suggestions.. Sometimes it really helps that people know exactly what you are going through and can offer ideas of how to get over a slump.. Have a great day!


    I too have problems with sticking to the planned menu. but mine is with lunch and snack 1 i enjoy fruit and there seems to be little of it in my menu


    I agee that evenings have to be the toughest because you have to make dinner for yourself and your spouse (and other family it you have more). I can usually do well with breakfast, lunch, and snacks. When it comes to dinner, I have to make dinner for my husband and I refuse to prepare two different things. I try to stick with chicken or fish and just eat a smaller portion. So hard to stay away from carbs with dinner. I’m getting tired of brown rice, so sometimes I’ll cheat and have pasta (small portion). After dinner, I’m usually too full to have the evening snack so I end up skipping that. This worked for me in week 1, but now I’m not losing any more and I’m very tempted to go off plan. Staring Week 3 and I will keep trying for one more week. Hopefully I’ll see some results this week.


    I use the higher fibre pasta..Catelli in the purple box..it is a nice change! I seem to have come to a standstill too…I’m going out for dinner tonight and than get right back on strict again tomorrow ..you do need a little treat from time to time..this my 6 th week and I don’t weigh myself..but my clothes are very loose..FINALLY someone noticed I had lost wt this week..so it is working!


    I think that MIND SET is a factor in this plan. You choose your foods for your menu and often times it does show repetitiveness in the day but on that particular meal you can just go to the menu history and look up your day you are on and click the little grey thingy next to the item and look for alternatives. Or just get as close as you can. For instance today,on my menu plan, I had 3 oz. of can tuna for my lunch with 1/2 c millet and 1 c steamed veg. I had defrosted some cooked shrimp for my husband today and he decided he didn’t want it so I replaced the tuna w/ 3oz. of the cooked shrimp. Having a food scale is a good tool to this program. You sort of have to play around and make a plan of your own to fit this wonderful plan of TDC in order for it to work for you with what you have. YOU CAN DO IT! Following your plan is essential, I feel, to success. I print off my weekly plan about 2 days prior to going shopping for the next week and make my shopping list from that week of menus. I’ve eve saved $ by doing this; it’s amazing. I’m going on a tangent now, so I’ll close here. Good luck Pebbles


    Hey pebbles do you have to get through the kitchen to get to the outdoors and go for a walk? LOL! Seriously try a brisk walk but before you go have a reward waiting at home. What I mean is…. get one of the many recipes for the shakes in here and make it up before you go for a walk. When you get home find a nice place to relax and grab that shake! Then say to yourself…. wtg girl you rock! This is a lifestyle change and not a quick fix! This is one day at a time and you CAN do it!



    You have all given me some great advice! Thank you so much! I will continue to work hard and stick with it! I can do this!


    Hi Pebbles,

    You have to allow your mind and body to adjust to a new way of eating. Your body will naturally signal a withdrawal mode to your brain because of cutting sugar and simple carbs out of your diet. This is a natural process that occurs for everyone as they journey though the process. This will pass if you stick to the plan in about 3 to 5 days. Perhaps when you feel the urge to relapse into “old eating habits” you could reinforce to yourself that this is a temporary state that is necessary to get to the other side. Changing old habits will take adjusting to. Don’t give up! You really need to start looking at your kitchen as a “center of wellbeing”. This is the place in your home that will be leading you back to health and happiness. Your kitchen is your friend. Remember to eat every 2 hours during the day and then pick a time in the evening to close the kitchen down. Your body is used to insulin peaks and valleys and until your blood sugar is under control, you are going to have cravings. It will pass.


    It’s taken me 2 weeks to actually get started. I’m struggling too, Pebbles. But we’re all friends here at The Trim Down Club. So let do it one meal, and snack at a time.
    ~ Shirlanne


    Just joined and I am struggling with the menu planner. It keeps giving me items that I do not check. Am I doing something wrong? I also can not figure out how to enter my profile. Where do I do that? H


    Hi, Tavery. I will forward your query to the tech support team.

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