Past dieting experiences

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    All of us have tried diets, and hopefully learned from them! What have you tried? For how long? What worked or didn’t, and why?


    I have tried weightwatchers, 3.5 years for now.
    To write all the food that I have ate was very helpful
    and to go the meeting was helpful too.


    Agreed – recording foods and mutual support is SO important! Both of those features are offered here, too, plus the weight update just like WW. We hope we can give you the support you are used to, and more. Let us know how we can help.


    I have tried various diets in the past. Now let’s see…

    What didn’t work: strict diets with tightly defined meals and a list of allowed/disallowed foods. It was hopeless in the long term. I’m just too chaotic to stick to that!

    What worked: reading into nutrition data, finding tasty and healthy foods that I can then combine as I like without eating too much calories. Maybe it’s not for everyone, but I guess it’s my own “freestyle” diet that works best for me.


    I was on the Atkins diet in the past. It worked for a while, but in the end I lost my patience with that kind of nutritional regime. Now I’m here to try a different approach – something less strict that would allow me to eat a variety of foods while trimming down.


    I have tried dieting by eating less. I lost some weight, but also had problems.
    Every now and then my self-control would snap and I’d eat a few large meals… This would usually ruin the results of my diet.
    I am encouraged by the fact that at least I managed to lose some weight in the first place, and I hope that this program will help me to make my future successes permanent!


    It helps not to restrict yourself so much and so quickly (i.e. “cold turkey”) that you snap. The most permanent changes are made slowly: cut back gradually, eat more frequently throughout the day and focus on protein and fiber to prevent hunger, and avoid completely cutting out your very favorite foods — little treats now and then can go a long way in preserving overall self-control.


    My previous experience is zero! I’ve never been on a diet before and now I don’t know how to start. I’m looking into this program but I hope to find more guidance through social support here. I don’t like being hungry, so cutting back gradually seems good.


    Hi Ossie. Yes I’m taking it slower this time – or at least I’m trying to. It seems very difficult to maintain the discipline in the long run, but hopefully it will work out. Maybe I will also check out Inspirational Superpack, because I could surely use some extra inspiration, heh.


    well I was on weight watchers once and it really helped to write and plan ahead my menu.What I dont want to do is be so hard and strict on myself. I want to do this one step at a time.I just hope I can get it together ( the foods on the menu) I dont have all the foods .


    I had gastric bypass surgery and lost 125_lbs. But I never changed my eating habits and so over the last 6 years I put back on 65-lbs. So what I learned is that no matter what gets you to initially lose the weight, you need to correct your eating habits . So here I am finally trying to correct my poor eating habits, so I don’t have to diet, I can make eating healthy just a part of my life.


    I have tried a few diets Curves low carb diet a few years ago worked but gave me bad breath and constipation. I also lost a little bit with Weight watchers online but wasnt disciplined enough to keep it up without support. The most weight I lost was through my gym program a few years ago. I lost about 8 kgs. It involved keeping a journal, choosing your own foods through a list of healthy allowed foods and one on one support from the trainers. Disadvantages were you were supposed to buy their protein bars for snacks which became expensive and I often ran out. I thought I could do it by myself after a while as it became quite expensive. Also didn’t like all the no fat diet food with artificial sweeteners. Also tried the new Curves diet too but it had too much food to eat.
    I have spent the last few years researching different diets but couldnt come at cutting out all carbs or eating raw food or becoming vegetarian. I like Trim Down Club because it allows you to eat a variety of healthy food and not diet or no fat food.


    I am having trouble getting started. I let all the stresses in my life get to me and I feed them with food. Last night I decided I would not eat after dinner .it was very hard but no acid reflux I felt better this morning do ya think maybe I can finally start ! I hope so


    My doctor suggested DASH diet-Dietary Aspects to Stop Heart disease, and I could not stay with it because I was the one struggling to get the servings into some sort of a meal plan. This is why I think your Menu Planner will be a big help to me.


    I’ve often joked that divorce is the best diet. After a divorce I lost alot of weight but looking back I realize that I was alone and could eat what & when I wanted and had no one else to cook for. I exercised to kill free time. But 2 years later I met someone and began to put all the weight back on. Now I’m looking for a program I can use that includes foods for the family.

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