What gets you going on a plan and keeps you motivated?

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    Getting and staying motivated to losing weight and keep it off takes so much more than just eating right and staying active — attitude is such a game-changer. What does it for you?


    For me, I have to set small obtainable goals to stay motivated. I set goals that can be achieved within a month. Of course I reward myself each time I meet a goal (manicure, movie night, etc.). I actually type each goal and post it on the wall of my workout room.


    One morning I woke up and could hardly breathe, it was a breaking point for me. I started to eat less and run. Now I have lost 60 lbs so far and I am breathing better. I joined this community for support to keep going. So far I’m happy to be here.


    Sometimes I wake up and realize that my stomach hurts – and I know that it’s because the night before I stuffed myself with sweets and cakes… It’s like a food hangover. This is what gets me going, and it works for some time.
    However, I have trouble staying motivated. On the good days, I’m fine. When it’s bad, I tend to snap and eat all the wrong things. I’m now trying to learn how to control that.
    It’s interesting that the diet journal here lets us mark how we eat and how we feel every day. Long term, I bet that it will show that I eat better on the days when I feel better!


    Well, I look at myself in the mirror and say to myself: “Girl, somewhere inside there’s a thinner, healthier you. Get there.”
    This works as a motivator. Once I lose some weight, I keep telling myself that it’s a pity to throw away that progress. I put on some make up, dress up and make myself feel good about my body. It’s a good way to raise my morals.


    It’s the way I feel after a good workout or after a few days of eating good that motivates me to keep going. My body feels good, I have more energy and it just makes me love myself even more.


    For the last week, I have been going out every evening – to the movies, for a walk, or to meet with friends.
    I realized this really helps me to stick to my diet. When I know that I’m about to go outside, I don’t want to stuff myself with food. Simply put, large meals don’t go well with active lifestyle, so being more active can be a great motivation to eat healthier.


    Here is something that keeps me motivated at times.

    Situation 1: I meet an old pal of mine and he is very overweight, has health problems and in general is not happy with his body. This scares me like hell, and since I really don’t want to end up the same way, my motivation flourishes.

    Situation 2: I meet another old pal of mine who boasts a better shape than me. This makes me competitive which again boosts my motivation. 🙂


    The only thing that has motivated me in the past is someone checking up on me. I’m not sure if that will work here, but I’m willing to give it a try.


    This forum is a good place to start, and hopefully you’re also in regular contact with a healthcare provider. Sometimes a diaabetes clinic can be a great place to meet an exercise or diet buddy. Also be sure to take advantage of the Progress Meter app here, where you keep track.

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