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    GOOD MORNING JACKIEE…. 🙂 How I wish you to have a great day today there in Italy. Thank you, Apensa, and Seaborn for the wonderful words of encouragement.
    Ginnerlou, I love your picture. And thank you on the Kroger advise. I will give them a try and see how it goes. I have been going to the central market here in Fort Worth for just about all of the things that I cant find near by that are organic. I also have seen commercials on the TV about Target having a pretty good line of organic foods there as well. I will give it a try and keep you posted on what I am able to find there. Farmers markets are also a really great place to get organic fruits, vegetables, and other things as well. And I am pretty sure that the local farmers would appreciate the local support from people like you and I.
    Seaborn. I am so happy to hear that you are getting a great deal of rain. It may seem dreadful at the moment, but I can just imagine how beautiful things will be in about a week after it all stops. I hope and pray that the damages are not to great by the end of it all. I truly hope you have a grand weekend with the little ones. And I love the Idea of baking some sweets for them off of the recipes we have. This is the age where we as the adults in there lives can have a large impression on there future life choices when they are all grown up and on there own. I wish my mother would have taught me the important of eating good and how to go about it. But now that I am learning, I too am teaching my family. My 11 year old had a but of a pudgy belly but it seems that the past few weeks of eating well has made it go away. I see her more active and playing outside with the dogs and neighbor kids too.
    Apensa, I am sorry that I have not read too much on you. But I did want to say hello and that I am pleased to meat you. Tell me a bit about yourself if you don’t mind. I did read that you have been to Italy on vacation. I think that is great. I would love to take the family one day to a great place that they will remember for the rest of there lives. Where are you from, where do you live, and how are you doing with the program? Thank you once again for the kind word.
    Well, It is 1:42am here in Fort Worth TX and I am going to try again on getting some sleep.
    On a better note. I have been awarded non serves compensation from the VA, and will be receiving a little over 1000.00 dollars a month from now on for my PTSD. I am so happy for this because it will help my family out so much. I am happy to know that I am being compensated for my suffering I endured while I was in the military. And the back pay will be a little over 4000.00 dollars in just a few short days. wooohoooo….! I love you all and I will talk to you all later on today. Take care all, and Happy Healthy Eating… 🙂


    Hey Jackiee, I didn’t forget you dear. Thank you too for your nice words of encouragement as well. Take care of your cheeky monkey… LOL


    😀 lol annaleeramos….and so pleased your getting some compensation for all your suffering…just not right you had to suffer it in the first place….but onwards and upwards, hope your still on track getting back to loving being you and moving on from the all the bad stuff you have suffered. Hope you have fun spending your back payment….and sweet dreams dear….hope you get a long lie in the morning….this morning, my wee cheeky monkey has already baked a cake, crumbled a most her slice everywhere, washed some windows with her lip balm..she said ssssorrrreeeeeeee mammmmmma and then helped wash dishes (which included washing everything else in near vicinty including me!) oh she keeps me busy (and laughing)….oh and it’s only 9.15am…what’s next I wonder.


    Good evening all. Hope you are well this evening.

    Me not soo good. Had a bit if a setback. Emotions got the better of me and i ate food i should not. All i will say is hormones.

    But lets pick up the pieces and move forward. How do the rest of you cope. I know for me i am an emotional eater. I eat when I am happy, when I am sad. I had too weeks of good eating and one day of bad. I hope the damage is not too bad,


    I had no idea this was international and everyone’s comments on all areas is SOOOO helpful. I have to get to Whole Foods and see what I can find here in NJ. You gals from Australia, I have an old friend who lives outside of Melbourne. Hope yet to visit her one of these days.


    Those darn hormones, gets to all of us sometimes Kelz, 🙂 not to worry, more important you want to get back on track, and your good eating days out number your bad, matey. Has your health hamper from ordering online arrived yet.

    How are you today apensa? finding things a little easier yet? Are you originally from italy or is it just your daughter that lives in Florence?

    Marcia2013, hows your hip doing? are you feeling any better? Hope you have fun buying your healthier food next time you go shopping. Good luck.

    Seaborn, hope everythings ok in your area too, getting a bit worried for you all. Kelz and r2b2 are yous affected by the rain too?

    Right, thats me finished my snack, my cherub is asleep, so is my hubby so I’m off for a walk and bit of fresh air, while I have the chance. 😀


    HELLO TO EVERYONE, AND YOU NEW MEMBERS! HELP! I check my TrimDown e-mails everyday and quickly skim through them, and am especially looking for the diet info which is sometimes hard to see because of all the other comments. I love all the comments back and forth from all over the world, but wish we would have separate postings for TrimDown comments only. Would be quicker to find. I stopped spending so much time on FB, but now find myself spending too much time on this site too. Not really complaining, but I don’t want anyone here to think I’m not friendly because I don’t get back to each person here. Wish I had the time to do that but don’t.
    JACKIEE – and SEABORNGIRL — how can I find you on FB? I’d like to see your photos, etc? Love to travel to your places but husband doesn’t like that sort of travel. But, I can look at photos of these beautiful places and dream 🙂 Seaborngirl — so sorry to hear about your floods. About once a year here in Iowa, we also have terrible and tragic floods, taking people homes, lives, businesses and everything imaginable. So sad. Right now we could use lots of snow for the farmers spring crops. We really haven’t had much at all. Last year we were in droughts all over and it never did catch up with rain and moisture for the upcoming crops. Will pray that the rain stops for you for a while.
    TERRYANDMARJ – I’m so sorry to hear about 3 heart attacks! I can’t imagine how bad that would be. I will pray for you too. Hope you are now feeling much better and the doctors can do something positive about them so that doesn’t happen again.
    OSSIE, MY DIET QUESTION IS: I CAN’T FIND THESE DIFFERENT KINDS OF FLOUR. CAN I STILL MAKE THE RECIPES FOR MUFFINS AND ALL RECIPES THAT CALL FOR FLOUR, WITH MY REGULAR FLOUR? THE NUTRITION MAY BE DIFFERENT, BUT ARE THE # OF CALORIES, CARBS, ETC THE SAME AS REGULAR FLOUR. Currently, I use Pillsberry self-rising flour. Also, I have stopped losing weight. When I reached 180, I stopped and flucuate up and down 2-3 lbs now for over a week. How can I get going again??? HELP 🙂


    Hi anna, I live in Arizona, USA with my wife of 48 years. I am here to try and solve my “around the middle” rolls. Not really doing that well becuause I refuse to stick to many of the foods listed because I don’t even know what many of them are. I have learned some techniques which will help I’m sure. My problem is that I don’t get hungry. I don’t even think about eating when it is lunchtime or dinner time especially if I am involved in a woodworking project. I am trying to do the snacking and selecting good food items. As long as I keep my clothes on I do not look fat or anything, but the mirror after a shower does not lie…LOL. I know I cannot look like my minds age of 31. Another big problem is that I don’t exercise as I should. I hate going to the gym and would like to just stick to walking, hiking….things like that…..only problem is that I don’t do either….LOL. I don’t know if this is a subject I can bring up here, but I understand that active, torrid and passionate sex is a great exercise if done on a regular basis….like every other day. I’ve been trying to talk to my wife about that, but she will not allow me to get a personal trainer. Bottom line, you have to find somethig that you enjoy doing. Good luck on your quest for a healthy life.


    Hello all you cruisers! I, like Chia, love getting on here and reading through all of the comments. I especially love letting my imagination run wild as I envision the different areas of the world everyone is from.
    I don’t always get the chance to put in a response and join the conversation, although I would love to. I did get the idea of starting a new thread for Tips, Tricks, Recipes & Encouraging Thoughts. My thought was…when in need if we have one thread to click on we might be able to more quickly find that need 🙂
    I hope this works and happy healthy eating to all,
    P.S. Please wish me self-disipline today as I am heading to my neice’s birhtday party which happens to be held at my favorite pizza shoppe!


    Does anyone else have trouble navigating this site? I know somewhere there is a list of foods to avoid and foods that are good…..can’t find it.


    Evening all, CHIA – (I’m on fb as ‘Jacqueline Cowie’ – santarcangelo, italy – hope you can find me) with regards to getting a specific thing answered by Ossie why not try a new tread like suggested by Doryssb – call it something like ‘Help Ossie, I have a question’ maybe then when Ossie’s on she’ll see specific questions for her more quickly, if like this idea and you have a problem doing this let me know and I’ll start it.
    Like you new thread Doryssb, will read up on those tips\tricks\recipes for more infor.
    Think of you all down in australia, praying the rain isn’t affecting you all badly.


    Hi apensa, not sure but could be the ‘food shopping – the proper way’ one of the downloads – can be found in the home section – hope thats what your talking about, sorry if its not


    CHIA….I am on FB as Bev Miskin…

    Everyone else, I am busy right now…we are fine, but our dam is now 8+ metres over the top which has affected the low lying areas along the river. I am going out with my boys who can’t go home yet, to take photos….gotta go.
    Will be on later to havachat….


    Could be jackiee. I’ll check it out. Thanks


    Hi Community! I am a new. I was not going to write but ginnerlou
    made sense to me and I was encouraged. I am going to keep on.
    Rhoda. P.S. from USA

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