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    Hi, my name is Sher. I am new to this site! Just joined tonight! So what are some good tips for a newby?! How much weight have you lost? So, does the fat melt off like they say??..curious?


    Wow…it feels like I have been away for ages!!! Well I guess that is because it has been ages hasn’t it? Been reading all the comments….so much going on as usual…you are a great bunch!!!
    Ginger, not quite like Noah yet love…haha….but some of my friends in other places might have duck feet!!! Jackie I saw the boys off to school this morning…was very exciting….and a little emotional! I didn’t cry…just got moist!!! I was up at 5.30am, took Bill to work at 6.45, went around to my daughter who lives around the corner and took photos of her and the kids…as Stephi was starting today…then drove the 40 minutes out to the other daughter’s, and off to school with them. I am so pleased I went there.
    The roads have been messed up a bit, but not as bad as I expected. A lot of schools around Queensland are not open today as the kids can’t get to them….I am sure they don’t mind!!!
    Our two townships here (Boyne Isand and Tannum Sands are joined by a large bridge)got a lot of rain as Ginger said, and our dam was over 8 metres above the top. So the rush of water in the river was something we hadn’t seen here before…we don’t get floods here! But cities and towns 1.5 hours in any direction cop it every year. So we live in a very good spot!!! But this year was very different, and the aerial shots of the towns showed a seriousness to it all that we couldn’t see from the ground. We fared very well in comparison to other areas, where people had to be airlifted from their roofs in the middle of the night, etc. The rain depression moved down into New South Wales and terrorised the southerners for a while, causing many rivers to flood, and is now about finished.So while it shakes itself dry, the whole east coast of Australia is in cleanup mode, although some are still flooding as the water makes its way down to the coast. Been a busy time.
    We all get extreme weather at times, and so poor old Britain is still struggling under their extreme conditions.And other parts of Australia are still coping with fire problems!
    I do hope all is going well with you Dawnrosie? And all those effected by the winter problems up in the northern hemisphere.
    As far as eating right goes….I couldn’t even think of it….I even forgot to eat a couple of days…and realised I was receding back into my old lifestyle…so today I packed a lunchbox with lots of goodies, and I have been nibbling as I do what I have to do. Today I start again…getting my brain back into the right place!!! Lol…it is so hard sometimes!
    Must go…got heaps of washing now that the sun is out!
    Welcome all the newbies…great to have you all on board…catch you all later…Bev.


    Sher, Welcome to the site. You will have to forgive some of the rambling on that you find now and then and select those items that add some valuable information as it relates to healthy eating. I suggest you start by doing the downloads and put them on your desktop for future reference. Read through them as you have time. Go into the “Community” section and subscribe to the Forums that interest you….this one is excellent. Do the Menu PLanner to get an idea of what this is all about. This is just my take on things. I too am relatively new but most of the others have been around for a while and probably have a different way of using the site. You will probably have lots of questions as you dive in and it may seem overwelming, but just start doing some of the things you learn. If you have it in you, follow the menus and recipes as presented. If ou do, my hat is off to you.


    Hi Sher, my name is Robyn. I have lost 9 lbs in around 10 days then have been seriously food challenged by social events. Have been doing well as I have maintained the weight loss. When you do lose it you do feel better. If you are like the rest of us you won’t have heard of half the food so just check some basic items on your menu planner and expand it as you find the food items.
    Seaborn, so glad you are OK. I have been very concerned for you as nothing seems to stop your regular updates. Glad you enjoyed your grandchildren. Went and saw Parental Guidance on the weekend. I laughed and cried. A friend did not enjoy it and I wonder if we saw the same film.
    How are you going Kelz? Hope all is well for you. This cooler weather is very easy to take!
    Jackiee, I thoroughly enjoy your news.


    Good morning from italy, how are you all. I’m just eating my porridge will catching up.
    Good to see you on board Liberated, Billylinn & Sher, enjoy getting to know the site. Billylinn I love the primavera pasta dish. Sher, I’ve lost 3 kilos in 3 weeks – may not sound a lot but I have been trying to lost weight for nearly 4 years now and never lost anything till trying this out. Little tip – when you do your menu planner remember theres a refresh button after each food item,that gives you an alternative to any food you don’t like. Plus there’s a free vegtable list at the end of each menu which you can use too.
    Thanks for the info Ginnerlou, think I’ll swap a chicken meal for that beef stew one night sound tasty.
    Keep up the hard work Njob22, it’s a hard slog for many of us, but your right, we’re get there with supporting each other, have you tried any of the yummy recipes yet?
    R2b2, your weight loss is an inspiration :-D, hows the wrapping going Kelz? Glad you found you nuts and pears apensa. So glad to see you back on Seaborn, have a fun day with your lunch box in tow 😀 Hows everyone in the Uk? Rebeccadors, Harbourview and Dawnrosie, thinking of you all…
    well best getting going, get munchkin ready for nusery and get my walk down ( happy it’s not raining here today) Happy Healthy Eating 😀


    Hi, Chia. The Honey Cake recipe looks great – I would suggest to take the advice of the person who left a comment, and exchange half the honey for Stevia or monk fruit sweetener (2 tsp for 1/4 cup honey), or xylitol or coconut sugar in the same amount as the honey. This lessens the impact on your metabolism. Also, I would change the portion size to 1/16 of the cake.
    Regarding you flours question: you can use your regular flour and it will be the same amount of carbs for all but the nut or seed flours (i.e. almond or flaxseed flours), but if it is refined white flour (i.e. Pillsbury), you are missing out on most of the health benefits of the recipe, and it can definitely impact your weight loss.
    Yes, I am the dietitian in all the forums. Just scan through the lists in the different subject areas – there actually are quite a few topics you can get into there than relate to common questions.


    Hi Robyn…you know I thought that R2b2 might be a Robyn….lol…
    So are you calling me a chatterbox or what??? Hahah…you wouldn’t be the first!!! I was timed once when I was a teenager to see how long I would last under water without talking!!! I made 20mins…but I didn’t stay under that long. A friend on FB described her little girl starting prep today as being like herself…and me! I have 3 grandchildren like it too! She said “Why use five words in a phrase when 20 fit equally as we’ll?” I love it…
    Anyway…good to hear about your weight loss…I must be doing something wrong…lol..
    I might not get to see Parental Guidance in the theatre I reckon…might just wait for the DVD and have a girls night with my girls!!! Sounds like most people I know enjoyed it!
    Anyway, dinner is ready…must go and serve my man!!!! Haha..he has been so busy out in the yard, cleaning up the mess from the tree that broke…he pruned it right back and now has to get it into the compost etc.
    Night girls…and boys…or morning…I am very tired tonight…been a huge week, but not as big as the poor things south of us down the coast! Maryborough and Bundaberg and the towns in the west of the highway are in dire straits right now!


    Morning everyone! Well its day 6 and I’m really enjoying the different foods and loving the recipes! Lots of cooking going on and discovering what eating healthy is really all about lol 🙂


    Oh my god!…… My Quinoa Pud has just come out the oven! It looked like frog spawn before it went in. But….I’ve just tried it and its amazing. Yeah….I must admit I didn’t think I was gonna like it and I did turn my nose up, but I’m so glad I put the effort in lol.


    charyl. I have to hand it to you. I don’t think I would have tried frog spawn before or after in went in, but I’m glad it works for you….enjoy. If it stays in long enough let us know how the tadpoles are doing


    Had a couple of Vodkas on the Rocks and an hand full of Pistacchio nuts as a snack. But see, I’m thinking. Among the hard stuff, Vodka is aobout the best and Pistacchios are on the list as an alternate nut. If one nut dosrn’t work, the other one will. I feel very proud of my affilication with the TrimClub. If it had not been for them, I wold have had the two Vodkas without nuts.


    Apensa…. you made me laugh so much!! So far the frog spawn has stayed down, but can’t feel anything hatching yet, will let you know later haha! So you nuts about Vodka!? lol…So nice to see that everyone on here has a sense of humour, which is sooooo needed when we are all trying to lose weight and get healthy.


    I believe Aldi and Lidl supermarkets sometimes stock spelt bread. Well Aldi’s always used to but i haven’t looked for it recently. Hope this helps!


    Hi Dawn Just wondering how the diets going for you as Im just starting on this journey be good to make contact with anyone from uk to help with some of the foods that are not known to me like this raw milk and cheese.


    Hi Birdie….I’m on day 6 and new, I’m also in the uk, east sussex. Raw milk is sold by some english farmers, there are several near me. basically its pasterised milk from free roaming ayrshire and jersey cows, who eat grass and are not fed crap or jabbed full of drugs from what i’ve managed to gather. the difference between the milk is that it hasn’t been homoginised (sorry about spelling!). Which means the milk will be like the good old days at school, with the cream at the top of the bottle! We used to fight over that at home lol. Apparently, its called “Green Top” milk here and is safe and legal. Hope that helps and I haven’t waffled too much??? 🙂 cheryl

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