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    Hi, The Todd (is that from Scrubs?)
    Every little improvement is great. Ease into it – if it is torture, it won’t last. Along the way, it will get easier.


    Thetod18… too. That is my biggest problem….eating regularly and often. I am a notorious meal skipper….I just don’t get hungry….ergo, the fat that is being stored around my middle. I also have a lot of problems purchasing, fixing and eating some of the suggested items. It sure seems to work though based on what other say. I have purposely not weighed myself in quite a while. I am judging my progress, if any, on how my pants fit.


    Thanks Ossie, I’ll relook at the menu and se if I can tick a few more protene items.


    Can anyone tell me if it is possible to reduce 2% milk into a cramier constistancy? I’m trying to find a substitute for Non Fat Half and Half which I cannot find locally. I was wondering if slow heat with a pat of butter for 2 cups of milk would do it.


    Jackiee, as you can see, I was able to upload a picture. Thanks for your help. Thanks to both you and CHIA for complimenting me on my will-power! It’s nice to know you have friends who understand what you’re attempting to do with this program. I lost three pounds the first few days, but seem to fluctuate back and forth a couple of pounds. I’m hoping when my body trusts me, it will let go of the fat! My blood sugars are continuing to be great though, and that alone is worth the whole program!


    Does anyone know what gnocchi is? Thanks in advance for any help.


    Gnocci is an Italian potato dumpling.


    Thanks Roxxy38, really appreciate the info 🙂


    Hats off to you Stgeofun. Keep it up. I too am waiting for the body to let go of the fat. It keeps arguing with me though…LOL.


    Morning, evening to those who are awake…and I hope our little friend Jackie is snoring well!!!
    Great to read all the comments as usual…Lovely to see the photo of you and hubby YVONNEBAKER….hope it all goes well for you both.And STGEOFUN, nice to see you as well…keep up “yielding not to temptation”!
    We had a young single friend over for dinner on Tuesday night…I made a beef and mushroom lasagne with gluten free organic sheets, which he and Bill loved…and my kids did the next day when they came to visit…and so did I!!!!!…sob, sob….Let myself down there!!!
    But the good news is that even though the kilos are so slow coming off, my family and I are noticing that my tummy is shrinking faster than the kilos!!! Yayayyay!!! I may get my “hourglass” figure back by the time I am 70!!! hahhahahh……10 years!!! Oh my, I hope it over by then!!!!
    I read about a couple of you (can’t remember who now) who have put on weight since they have started, or going up and down…I did too, and then it dropped back, and I am stable again for now. So, don’t fret over it…it is going, for some of us slower than others. I gotta get the weight off these joints of mine, but changing shape is pretty good too!!!
    Whether you are sleeping, going to bed, or awake or waking….keep on cruising and eating healthy everyone…



    I would be really suprised to find Gnocci in TDC menus, but I could be wrong.



    Splenda is not recommended, use stevia instead its natural.


    Well, today was another busy day, with no time to prepare my meals. I’ve really enjoyed the chicken soup for the Gods (3 days in a row now! lol) But I think I’m going to try to prepare some meals ahead of time on Saturday, so I can stick a little closer to the menus. It’s not that I’m eating anything wrong, just finding all the preparation difficult. Thanks for everyone’s welcome and replies. You all help me to stay motivated!


    I had an email with a posting from clarks96 in which they seemed to question this programme, now I can’t find it on the newbies 2013 page??? Cant seem to find the posting or a reply??? Any ideas anyone. Shuffling my daily menues around taking some from one day and some from another but only eating the meals for the week that are on my menu list. Does anyone else do this? does it work?


    I have Blue agave syrup,a low glycemic natural sweetner. can it be used? Beside following the menus, when I substitute, I am watching portions, and avoiding sugary pitfalls. Some pounds are leaving and I haven’t gone up. Yay.

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