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    Hi all,We’ll, I have not posted because I have been busy with my hubby.He has been in the hospital all week.The good part of it is I have definitely walked every day.The eating is off and on.Some of the good foods want to be eaten so this way of eating has a impact on your thinking..It has never been that way before.Gotta go.


    Thats great Ossie – will make it easier.


    Ossie, I have a question about vacation eating. We are going to be traveling and want to know what types of snacks to purchase. My husband and I like to eat while we are on the road. Also picnic eating. We feel so much better that we are leery about eating in a restaurant Any thoughts on helping us out? We are feeling so good now, blood pressure normal now so are off blood pressure meds. Blood work in April so hopefully cholesterol is back to normal. Don’t want to be on meds. We aren’t exercising like we should but will get to that soon. I have lost around 7 lbs this past month and my husband has lost over ten but the best thing of all is that we feel better than we have in a long time Thank you for your time in helping us all out.


    Good Morning All,
    Just got back from the gym. I’m looking forward to a day with no commitment! I’m going to take advantage and prepare some of the menu recipes for next week. I’m really excited about my blood sugars coming down to really good readings, and it is so nice to be “full”. I think I’ve always been hungry and have not been able to sleep well…I am sleeping like a baby now! Thanks Ossie for your quick reply about stevia syrup. This program is great, even though my first week I’ve been fluctuating two or three pounds all week, but in the end, I’m at least down two pounds this morning, after one week on the program. Now that my pantry is supplies with healthy foods, I’m hoping next week will even be better. I hope everyone is having a great day! The skies here in St. George are blue with sunshine! I love southern Utah! Bye for now, and keep excited about the program, we’ll all win in the end.


    Hi all, just a quick post before heading of to bed. 🙂

    Hope your hubby gets well soon, I hope the nerve treatment went as well. It not the best of circumstance to get walking but I hope it get back to normal for you soon. I know what you mean about the getting you thinking about choice food items. I have managed to get back on track a lot quicker than any other diets\healthy eating plan with this one. Thankfully my few bad days haven’t put pounds back on my waistline.

    Stegofun, so good to here you so upbeat, helps see others get the buzz about this program. It good to see a picture too. Hope you had fun cooking. 🙂

    antiqanon42…I sent an email through the ‘Contact Us’ for technical support highlighting your problem, fingers crossed they contact you or post something on here for you to as my systems is working fine.

    Ginnerlou, Great news about the weight loss and meds, fingers crossed you get the others meds stop too like you shoping.

    Chia, thanks for asking about the cup measurements being cooked or uncooked…I was using uncooked…oops. 🙂

    Well Annaleeramos, whats cooking this weekend, are you trying any new recipes….of I forget ‘Flat’ is a uk word for ‘Appartment’ hehe….will speak with you soon.

    Ahoy there Seaborn..I’m glad your getting a slimmer waist line on this health eating plan and hope the scales start to show a difference too soon. Have you got your personnal flour make yet and used it for anything?……

    Ossie, I would love to ask a question but everyone else seems to cover everything I want to know, but thanks for those replies as it help me and no doubt so many others read these threads.

    Well folks its the weekend…so hope you all have a great time whatever your doing. Mines has been change due to my wee girl being ill again but at least my family are lucky to get quality time together. Happy Healthy eating all….and I am determined to stay back on track now….update after the weekend. Have fun all….hahaha 🙂 so much for a quick post…….


    Jackiee, I love your quick little post ~Hahahaaha 🙂 Hope your babydoll gets better soon.
    I don’t always have the time to post, but love to read through and stay up to date! It always puts a smile on my face.
    My biggest challenge is trying to ignore the fact that I still crave chocolate. All other cravings are gone, but that one is being stubborn. I think it is because I was allergic as a little girl and have been overcompensating ever since 😉

    Blessings, Happy Healthy Eating to you All (or y’all as we say in Oklahoma!)


    Morning all…I am over the moon this morning….I have just weighed and I have lost 1.1 kilos (2.4 lbs) this week. My metabolism is beginning to kick in! Yay. So all up I have only lost 2.5 kilos (5lb 8 ounces) in the 9 weeks, because I put some on…but I am wanting to lose slow rather than fast, so every tiny bit is exciting for me. At least I know this plan works, and I am on my way down!!! Yay!!!
    STGEOFUN….KATIE…love your joy…thanks for spreading it through the forum. Yes, wonderful blue skies here today too, but boy are we hoping for more rain!!! You would think we had enough with all the flooding over here, but we just want it in smaller doses. We are very grateful for what we get, but it is our wet season, and if we don’t get enough over this time we end up in a drought!!! Ah well, we have coped with that before too.
    No Jackie…haven’t got my flour made yet, because I haven’t used the recipes yet…will do when I get the flour though.I have entered a competition to win a thermomix…my girls would love it more than me, so I reckon if I win, it will be a shared toy!!! Because I wouldn’t know which one to give it to…Lol…
    Anyway, I have shared my good news and now I better get off here…supposed to be cleaning my fridge out!!!! Lol…I will feel really guilty if I don’t…poor Bill is out mowing etc in the heat!!!
    Welcome to any newbies…all the best with you goals.
    And hope all our old mates are still cruising…haven’t heard much from them lately…so I am throwing out a lifeline in the hope that they catch it and keep going to the end of their goals….Dawnrosie? Maddiefoxsteal? Awayagain4? Mandarama? OregonGirl? Buffie60? PattyBowker? Camplaffalot? DawnHeffley? Harbourview? and my Aussie mates, Robyn (r2b2) and Kelz1973!
    Maybe we need to blast the ships horn to let them all know we are thinking of them….hahah!
    Happy cruising everyone…have a good weekend wherever you are…and hope we can all do what we have to do…be safe, eat properly, get some exercise, and enjoy life.


    And Hi Dorryssb…you got in before I even finished my rant…lol…will pray about that stubborn chocolate craving you have love…Bev.


    Hi! Tonight I wanted to make a shelf in my pantry for my whole foods, and 3 hours later I have an entire pantry that has been cleaned out and organized! I had a few things in there that my late hubby had purchased (he passed away 5 years ago)! I’d say it was time I cleaned it out! I threw away a ton of stuff, out dated, or just didn’t want it around anymore.

    Seaborn…are you from Australia or New Zealand? I have a very good friend who is originally from Australia (still has the accent) although she’s lived in the USA for 40 plus years! I love to hear her talk! I always enjoy reading your posts,and congrats on losing the weight! I hope I’ll start dropping one of these days. But along with healthy eating, I think this program requires patience too! haha That is not one of my best traits.

    Jackiee…I did cook a turkey breast on the grill today with a mango/pineapple chutney and I made the sweet potato/carrot soup. The turkey is delicious, it’s recipe from another healthy cookbook.
    It’s fun getting on here and reading your informative posts. Thanks for sharing!

    Doryssb…I have two pounds of chocolate that I purchased before I signed up on this program, but luckily all this food has left me too full to even be tempted. And that is really saying something for me cause I am a HUGE chocoholic! haha I usually cannot have goodies in my house, or they end up in my belly! Wish I were more disciplined. But everyone’s comments help to keep me motivated! Good luck with your challenge. I’m sure you’ll conquer!


    Yes, Katie, I am definately from Australia! Where is your friend from? I lived in NZ for 11.5 years, and came away with my accent as strong as ever!!! Must be a stubborn lot us Aussies hey? I love hearing different accents, and languages! I applaud you on staying away from your chocolate. I am not a chocoholic, but one day not long ago, I ate a whole med sized block…must have been a bit down about something!!!! My husband who is the “holic” just stared at me…like he can talk!!! I’ve seen him down some things too, like chocolate!!! Haha…good to be able to laugh at these things, or we would be eating blocks and blocks and blocks of the stuff to drown our sorrows!!! Oh no!!! Anyway, thank goodness I am not a “holic”, that’s all I can say!!!
    Off for a walk with Bill…and it’s still too hot!! Never mind…


    Really fell off the wagon yesterday. I’ve been having some major computer problems and was on the phone with HP most of yesterday. I hardly ate except for some handfuls of pistachios and coffee throughout the day while on the phone with HP. Topped off the night with a couple of Vodkas. Problem still not solved and may have to Restore the entire computer, which is a real pain if any of you have had to do it.


    Hi Apensa ~~ Good luck with the computer problem. Those can be a terrible stressor, just remember to have some healthy snacks handy before you get back on the phone 🙂 One day doesn’t ruin it for you. If you wanna jump back on the wagon we’ll throw you a rope!

    Hello Ladies ~~ Thank you for your encouragement and prayers. My husband said that he didn’t know that “chocoholism’ was a real disease until he met me!!! LOL I used to justify it all the way to saying that since chocolate comes from the cocoa bean it is actually a legume 😉 HA
    Now with how much I am eating I don’t crave it all the time. So I think what I need to do is stop each time I realize I want it and write down what is going on. Maybe there is something in common like stress or a certain time of the day or even how many hours it is inbetween meals. The only problem is I may need a post-it note on my head to remind me to write it down!!! HEHEHE
    Hope everyone has a great weekend,


    Dory, In the old days we could fix things with a hammer instead of key strokes. HP is still working on it…..some sort of problem with Internet Explorer. I’m sort of sneaking around and getting hear using Google Chrome. Anyway, have been a good boy today. “Sensible” breakfast and a bowl of my fresh vegetable soup for lunch….I added Lentils to the original recipe for the soup that Ozzie geve me a high five for. I make a lot of it so I have it for several days. Keeps really well in the fridge.


    apensa…hardly anything frustrates me more than my computer acting up! It is my life-line to my family. I live 350 miles from most of my kids, and another son is in Iowa, another one in Alaska. So if I lose the computer, our communications are hampered. I have 5 boys and only one girl. The girl is diligent in calling, but you know…boys will be boys! Facebook helps me keep tabs on them! haha

    I was a little naughty today too. I was invited to a baby shower, and indulged in a 2 inch meat & veggie wrap and a cupcake. There were many, many goodies, however, so I guess I didn’t do as bad as I would have a few weeks ago! I’m getting better at this! lol
    Tonights dinner really sounded blah..1 C. brown rice, a scallion, 4 oz. of tuna fish, and 1 T. of honey mustard dressing. I mixed it all together and I thought it was yummy! Don’t judge a menu at face value, I guess. I’m really pleased with the satisfaction I feel by following this program. Still wish some weight would come off though…now I’m showing my impatience!
    All in all, everything is good, so have a great night, or day, where ever you may be.

    seaborn…my friend was from Auckland, born in England, but raised in Australia until she was 19.


    Afternoon all…just a short one! I read Apensa’s comment from 13 hours ago, and was reminded of Anna and Jackies’ comments previously…he should be snoring his head off right now, and Anna, and Jackie should be rising in beautiful Italy…but I read a quote on FaceBook a couple of days ago, and thought this is just right for Apensa, and the rest of us really, as we struggle to keep our focus on eating right and losing some weight…so I am going to share it here for us all.

    LIFE is like a CAMERA.
    Just FOCUS on what’s IMPORTANT,
    And if THINGS don’t work out,

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