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- This topic has 4,730 replies, 1,093 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 9 months ago by
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- February 10, 2013 at 5:21 am #8700
MemberKatie, you definately need your computer! But we all do in the age, I guess. When we lived in NZ, our eldest daughter couldn’t move back to Australia quick enough, so at 18 she returned…she has lived apart from us for so long now, 18 years, she very rarely contacts us! So it is not only boys who don’t keep in touch love. When we moved back home,our middle daughter was living her, and the youngest joined us when she came home, which is wonderful.Hey, I am the only girl with four older brothers…was an interesting life, but one I wouldn’t change for anything. I used to pester my Mum to give me a sister, but boy, after raising three the three girls, I am glad I can make my own choice about who my sisters will be!!! Lol….
February 10, 2013 at 5:22 am #8701Seaborngirl
MemberOh I meant “we all need computers in THIS age” lol…
February 10, 2013 at 7:31 am #8704jackiee
MemberGood morning, afternon and evening all?
Brilliant quote Bev, very appropriate for the TDC. Hope you had a lovely time today. I need to cancel Church and Carneval today as little one tempreture has now reached 39°, wee soul, but we can do bible reading and have a little carneval at home instead. 😀
Katie your doing great. We’re aloud a time-out once a week when we can eat what we want, so technically you’ve not been naughty yet 🙂 I remember my weight used to go up and down all week, so I now do a weigh in once a week so not to be disappointed with the yoyo scales.
Excellent Dory, love your take on choc being legume and thanks for the get well wishes for me wee one too.
Good luck getting the computer problem resolved asap and glad you’ve now got your soup to help you next time on the phone to HP.
How everyone else getting on? Linda, Anna, Rebeccadors, Maddiestealfox, Marcia, AKrose, Misfit, teade, Radisson, pollyann, yvonnebaker,Slimasharon, antiqanon42, Billylynn, roxy, thetodd18, oh the list goes on and on…then all yous that Bev gave a shout out too….How are you all getting on…still on track with your personal goal….
I done well yesterday…stayed away from all sugary snacks 🙂 think my cravings are linked to PMS Doryssb…it the only time I can’t fight the urge but will steal your idea and write down what going on next time see if that helps. cheers. I also bought more squash in, this helps with my sweet cravings too.
Well best go, cuddle time…isn’t strange how children change your name when not well I’ve went from Mamma to Maaaammmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaaa which gets repeated 5 times before she stops 😀
So glad I prepared our sunday lunch last night so can get her my attention. Happy healthy eating all 🙂February 10, 2013 at 8:02 am #8708Ossie-Sharon
MemberHi, antiqanon42. I forwarded your issue to the tech desk myself, so that someone will get back to you. Sorry for the difficulty.
February 10, 2013 at 8:10 am #8709Ossie-Sharon
MemberHi, ginnerlou. The Menu Planner lists give some pretty good standard ideas – nuts and seeds, fresh and dried fruit, vegetables, whole grain crackers and even cookies etc. In addition, you can bake some of the Trim Down Club cookies, muffins, and bars to take with you, especially if you have a cooler.
However! Don’t forget to think of portion size. I would suggest to use your daily menus as a guide for how many of each type of food (high-protein such as nuts and seeds, fruits, vegetables, higher carb such as cookies and muffins, unless made with nut flour) you each would need for a day, and pack only enough for the trip. Extra portions can be your hobgoblins.
For picnics, just think of what you would have wanted to bring in the past, and imagine an upgrade based on what you know from the program – leaner meats that are roasted instead of fried, salads with olive oil instead of mayonnaise (unless you find the omega-3 kind), omega-3 or free-range eggs, seasoned oven-fried potatoes with olive oil instead of potato chips, desserts made from Trim Down Club recipes (or similarly healthy), etc., etc.
For cholesterol, the old standards remain true – olive oil (especially with lemon juice and fresh vegetables), oat bran, and omega-3s with vitamin E.February 10, 2013 at 11:49 am #8726slimasharon
MemberHi everyone, I’m just 9 days in to the diet and haven’t managd to follow it very well yet – better planning called for. Needless to say I haven’t lost any weight either BUT I noticed my winter’s coat is a little less tight so there is hope. I don’t do much by way of excersize although did spend 5hrs clearing a friends gardedn – diet went to pot as she kept bring me biscuits and cheese on toast.
so I’m hoping week two will be better.
Good luck to you all
SharonFebruary 10, 2013 at 3:51 pm #8751Norunyan
MemberHello everyone,I have just been reading everyone’s comments and it is good to see how all are doing.
Jackiee,sorry your baby is sick.Hope she is up and playing soon.
We are all home from the hospital so I will walk at home now.The drive is about 500 ft long.I plan to walk it once a day now and add to that later.The trip back and forth would not be enough but I do not like to go around in circles.The older I get the more I need to move around to keep myself moving.
I have not weighed but seem to go back and forth between 5lbs. Lost and 2 lbs. It will settle down soon.My sugar has improved and that keeps me happy.The food has been keeping me feeling full.All is good today.February 11, 2013 at 4:19 am #8764stgeofun
MemberSeaborn..I’m so glad I had a daughter, but even more glad that the rest were boys! lol My beautiful daughter is very sensitive, even now at age 29. she is s joy though, my best friend!
I’ve done well today and was treated to a choir concert tonight!
Jackiee…I think I’ll probably weigh every day, it kind of doesn’t let me off the hook if I’m not losing, it makes me more determined to keep trying, however, I’m going to only record once a week. Last week I lost 3 pounds, but two back on, so the chart is not very impressive! lol
I’ve just discovered the simplified meal plan that came with the Trim Down Bonuses, so I think I’ll try that for a week or two. All this cooking is wearing me out (time pressures). I’m hoping by the end of next week, I’ll show some decline in weight or a better fit cause right now I think all this grain that I am not use to is just bloating my middle! YUK! Wish me luck! And good luck to all of you.February 11, 2013 at 4:20 am #8765stgeofun
MemberCould all of this grain that I am not use to eating be bloating me? Everyone talks about their clothes fitting better, or they are losing weight, and I am not doing either. I do like the fact that my blood sugars are good though. Just would really like to get some pounds off!
February 11, 2013 at 4:27 am #8766jnelson
MemberI’m not doing very well so far. After a week I just managed to get my meal planner together and wonder how that will work- not much time for cooking! Too busy, I need to slow down.Will try to really get started on the meal planning tomorrow after shopping.
February 11, 2013 at 5:34 am #8767Seaborngirl
MemberKatie…I got very bloated too, but have played a game of elimination to sort out what the culprits were…feel a lot better now.
Funny, Katie, my precious mother said I was a joy too, and even now with my middle brother just turned 65 yesterday, I am telling the boys things they never knew about our Mum or our Dad, because we didn’t know I was the only one who was privy to it all. I think an only daughter gets a very special relationship with Mum (or Dad probably). I also think having that having 3 girls (no brothers) competing with eachother and stirring eachother up, made it a bit tougher!!! Certainly wasn’t a joy sometimes!!! Hehe.They had their good moments, but we all get a good laugh about the way they stirred eachother. Lol! They get along now which is really nice.
Hope little Angelina is doing better today Jackie, and you all had a good night’s sleep.
Gotta go….happy cruising everyone….February 11, 2013 at 4:27 pm #8788apensa
MemberWell, completely disappointed at my progress, or lack thereof. Weighed myself yesterday after almost two weeks and I weigh more than I ever have. Still have the nice muffin top formed when I button my pants around the life saver I carry around my middle and my bra size has not changed……AA size trainer. I will admit that I am not sticking to the exact portions, cooking with the ingredients suggested although the fattiest thing I have had lately was a 9 OZ sirloin last night because we were invited out to dinner. This system is just too much trouble. I am not exercising as I should probably. Unfortunately, any exercise usually does more harm that good. I like being pain free. I wish you all the best of luck.
February 11, 2013 at 5:30 pm #8792Radisson
Shame on you for being so negative.
February 11, 2013 at 5:50 pm #8793Radisson
MemberHi again!
Please read the following article and stop worrying about your weight and BMI.
February 11, 2013 at 6:19 pm #8794stgeofun
Memberjnelson…I discovered the easy meal planner that comes with the bonus package for signing up. It is much easier for meal planning. I have had the same problem of finding the time I need to prepare the suggested menu items. Try the easier route for a while, until you get really into the program. I have to admit all of the recipes that I have tried from the more complicated menu are delicious though, so try them when you can!
Seaborn…I think you’re a person I’d like to get to know! 🙂
Have a great day!I’m not see too much progress on a change in weight and clothes fitting better, but I’m very happy with my blood sugars leveling out.
I am willing to stick with this, the key is patience, I think.
Good luck to everyone. We’re all in this together!
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