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    Good evening, good morning or good afternoon to you all,

    Not sure if I should say just a quick line…because it never ends up that way. 😀 ..thanks everyone for all the well wishes for my wee girl, her fever is coming down finally, I never got my walk in today, because I had to sit on the edge of the divan and stroke her head 90% of the time and even forgot my morning snack (not like me to miss food). Wee angel even wangled my computer off me when I was trying to catch up with emails. She kindly gave me her flu too….so sweet of her to share (not) 😉

    Katie, with your patience and enthusium I’m sure it won’t be long till you see results your looking for.

    Seaborn just seen one of your post that you have lost more weight…way to go…excellent news. Have you got a walking buddy yet? or just you and camera on the rounds?

    Norunyan, so glad your hubby is home now. How are you managing with your walking at home?

    Thanks for the link Radisson.

    Goodluck on your 2nd week Slimasharon and hope this week is better for you Apensa

    Its been good reading everyones updates too, (when angelina’s in bed of course).

    Take care & best wishes for positve healthy eating everyone 😀


    JACKIEE – I’m so sorry your little girl is sick, and that you now share it with her 🙁 Sounds like she may be getting better though if she took your computer 🙂 I have not lost anything for a while. Our church had a Valentines dinner last night and I ate everything. Thursday, Valentine’s evening, Bob is taking me out to a very nice Italian restaurant, Dodici’s, in our home town. We have bible study at 6:30 PM in another town, and then will come home and have reservations at 8:30 PM for dinner. Their food is wonderful – Authentic Italian. The owner is from our home town, but moved and lived in Italy and married there and had her family, for many years. They came back to Iowa about 10 years ago to be closer to family who were getting older, and started their restaurant here. All of the furnishings and decorations are from Italy — beautiful! One of my favorite places to eat, but is on the expensive side. Oh well, once in a while is great 🙂 Everyone in Trim Down have a wonderful and lovely Valentine’s day 🙂 I plan on getting back on my diet Friday 🙂


    Chia…what part of Iowa do you live in? My son’s family is in Bettendorf. He works for John Deere in Molene, Ill. Your Italian restuarant sounds wonderful! When I’m in Vegas, I like to go to Nora’s. That’s where the locals go and the Italian is out of this world. Hmmmmm, I’ll probably put a pound or two on just thinking about it! lol Have fun on Valentine’s Day!

    Jackiee…so sorry to hear that now you have the flu too! This has really been the year for fllu. I got a terrible cold, and that lasted three weeks, I’m so glad I didn’t have the flu though. Hope you get well soon!

    I’ll check in with everyone tomorrow! Take care!


    Hey….did I misunderstand Apensa? I understood that to be a goodbye note everyone! I think he has jumped ship!!! I may be wrong!

    Chia..Bill and I aren’t into Valantine’s, but it doesn’t do any harm Lol… so you and Bob have a wonderful night at church and then at that amazing Italian restuarant. Sounds very spesh! That is terrible you get to eat two valentine meals….shocking!!! We are actually going out with the family that night to the local “cheap” chinese restaurant up the road…our kids out on the farm haven’t been out for a meal for so long, because of shift work and the floods and the farm work, so they decided because he has his four days off they would dine out.
    So it will be a challenge for me!!!! I love chinese!!! But just as well it is not Thai, cause I love it even more!!!
    Jackie…you look after yourself love…get that lovely little Angelina to run after you now!!! Hehe. One day she will honey….I can guarantee it…and yes, I have lost nearly half a stone, or 2 Stephanies (she was 800 grams at birth)…it feels so much better!
    Hey Katie…find me on FB if you want….Bev Miskin.
    Anyway, my man is coming home late tonight, so I need to get dinner on before I go get him…cheers everyone…have a great day, while I hopefully get a good sleep tonight!!!


    Whoops…that was meant to be 3 Stephanies…not 2! Boy I have a lot of Stephies to lose!!!


    Good morning cruisers, or evening or afternoon or good night if your heading of to bed 😀

    LOL, Bev I just had an image of your weight loss chart – a piece of paper with lots photos of Little Stephanie at birth weight and others of when she gets bigger, with a love heart drawn round photos of the weight you’ve lost when you achieve each goal\photo. This sounds much more fun than ‘5lbs at a time’ goal. Have a lovely evening with Bill.

    Thank you Chia, Katie & Bev for the well wishes, Angels only has a slight fever now so she’s getting better, I feel worse (idea of a work-out out the window today), That’s one little down side of being a stay at home mum….you can’t phone in sick when needs be….she pulling on my jumper now saying paint mamma we paint today!!!!! hahaha. I hope my flu does last as long as your cold did Katie, my little one has to much energy for me to be ill.

    Annalesramos…hows are you getting on, back cooking the yummy recipes on here again?

    Chia I feel hungry just thinking about your yummy meals out. Thats the good thing about being here, the Italian restaurants vary in price but not quality, some cheaper ones can still do homemade pasta too…My hubby doesn’t like the new style Italian restaurants because as he says, they mix the food with strange stuff and give you a third of the potion…hehe..he loves traditional cooking…..mmmm Chinese dinner sound yummy to Bev although here we have to go down Rimini to find other style resturants…The last time I had a Chinese or Indian meal was when I was back in the UK. Me and My hubby always go out for a valentine meal on the weekend before or after the actual date…I don’t agree with paying double for a meal in the name of Love….so does my hubby (a right pair of pounds savers that we are). I usually make him lasagna and a chocolate love heart cake at home..and give him a bill of kisses and cuddle 😉 Right enough talk of food, I’m getting hungry…. away for a bit of fruit I think 😉 then tidy up …. then painting 😀 lol my little one just said she help me tidy…haha that means it will take twice as long now hahhaha……

    Have a super trim down day y’all 😀


    Well Jackie, we are even…if we want italiana we have to cook it ourselves, or get a pizza from Eagle Boys, or wait until we head away on holidays. But Italian food is not something we go out for….I don’t think we have ever done that in 38 years…we always do our own if we want Italian. I guess it has been a part of the Australian cuisine since before we were born…lots of Italian families in North Queensland.


    lol, I’d much prefer if Giuseppe would take me out dinning though..less mess ;-D He doesn’t eat anything but italian food…in 9 years we have only ever eaten in one Thai resturant…and that was because a british friend invited us..hahaha, now if I want something different I go out with friends at lunch times….oops forgot on a healthy eating plan so avoiding resturants. 😀
    Have you tried making pizza yet? there’s a recipe on here or I have the full fat version too ;-D


    STGEOFUN, SEABORNGIRL, JACKIEE: stgeofun – For example, if you are driving from Des Moines, IA, from the West on I-80 and going East to Bettendorf, you will come to Coralville, IA and Iowa City, IA. If you turn right on HWY 218 and go South about 37 miles, we live in Washington, IA. Loads of people from all over Iowa drive to Washington just for dinner at Dodicis. Maybe your son has heard of it? It is on the expensive side, but not anything like New York or the huge cities. And I don’t cook that way even though it’s my favorite. Nice to let someone else do that cooking for me occasionally 🙂 It’s worth the money to me 🙂 I do believe I will also be getting flowers on Valentines Day 🙂 When Bob and I were dating, he sent me flowers to my office once a week 🙂 After we got married, that stopped, but he does send them on Valentines Day and sometimes my birthday. 🙂 What I really want is hard wood floors 🙂 That would please me more 🙂 Bob and I are really pretty frugal on a daily basis. Bob is a downright tight wod most of the time 🙂 I haven’t been weighing myself since I’ve been eating off the diet, but still trying to be careful. I was afraid to see how much I had gained back, so would just walk by the scales. I just weighed myself, and I haven’t gained anything, WOW – that’s so amazing! stgeofun – where do you live? I was thinking you lived out of the country too? Everyone have good willpower with amazing results 🙂


    Hi Everyone,I am really impressed with so many of your weight loss.This site seems to be helping a lot of people.
    I have been going up and down the scales.Sounds like a piano doesn’t it? It is good to say I have kept on reading and trying to improve what I eat.My sugar has improved,I am doing some exercise ,and my attitude is improving.
    Jackiee,sorry you caught the flu.It is time for you to rest now. My walking stopped because of rain.I have been back and forth in the grocery store ,it is pretty big.That is something.
    Seaborngirl,I love hearing all of the things that happen to you.We have 2 daughters who live with us.Also 2 Granddaughters.It is a busy household,and it keeps our life interesting.My son in law loves to garden.He is retired and I get to enjoy all of his fresh produce.Home grown is the best! We are lucky to have them.
    Hope all keep doing well. Nancy


    Hahah Jackie….I have thought about doing something like that…for Stephanie’s benefit! One day when she is older, she might really enjoy knowing that Grandma used her to get healthy and get her weight down, so she could go swimming with her…and run and jump all over the place with her…and keep up with her! Lol.
    She is always jumping and running!!!
    Nancy…glad you enjoy my comments…but I realise I must be doing a whole lot of talking….ah well, just as well we are not all sitting having a cuppa together somewhere…perhaps in Italy….none of you would get a word in with Jackie and I!!! Hawhawhaw….but Chia is doing pretty well too lately!!! hahaha…but wouldn’t it be lovely to have a real reunion one day when we have lost at least some of our weight…we would never do it if we were waiting on my loss…Lol. Of course money comes into it too, so some of us might not get there!!!!
    I am thinking of all the others who we haven’t heard from lately…hoping they are doing okay. Life is busy, and not all of us can spend time on here. With that thought…I must go too…all the best for the day/night girls….Bev.


    Watch it, folks. I might always be lurking in the background. the wife and I were in Las Vegas over night so just getting around to take a look at the posts. I am so distraught over my lack of progress I had to go into the Diamond Lounge at the Paris Hotel and Casino and drown my sorrows in a couple of Vodka on the rocks and partake of the free buffet they serve up. I was really careful though about what I took. I did not go near those vegetables and all that terribly fat laden ed dip….I know how bad those dips can be. I stuck to the chicken wings and egg rolls….LOL. Had enough to replace dinner that night. Sooooo…. Seaborn, I’m not jumping ship, just going for a swim….I’ll meet you at the bar later. I did manage to lose a little bit of what I was carrying around later that night…….I lost what I put into the machines….Had a lot of fun though. I had a granola bar for breakfast with a cup of coffee….probably not one of the granola bars suggested by TrimDown….but, hey…I tried. Had lunch at the Riverside Casino on our way home. I was very sensible about what I took at the buffet….I only had a small portion……………of everything!

    Sorry, Radisson….too much reading of small print for me….but I would love to meet Tonya and discuss by body mass with her…..LOL.

    Hey….Understand…..I joke a lot and I fully understand how serious all of you are and in some cases it is actually a health issue. Don’t think for a moment that I am negating all of the effort you put into it. My hat is off to you. I wish I had your intestinal fortitude to go forward with the program in earnest.


    Hi all,
    Can anyone tell me if Kellogg’s Special K Multi Grain Oats and Honey is a good item to eat? The ingredients sound good but I am not sure.





    CHIA…I live in St. George, UT. It is in the southwest corner of the state. I use to live about 45 miles from SLC, but found out that you don’t have to shovel sunshine! The main reason I live here! lol My son in Bettendorf, has actaully just lost over 90 pounds, so I don’t think I’ll let him know about your wonderful restaurant. lol
    I’ve had a frustrating night. One of my son’s family was planning a trip with me to Anchorage, Alaska in July to visit another son’s family. Well, now that son in Alaska is being transfered to Houston, so he won’t even be there. That kind of puts a hardship on everyone financially, so I was trying all night long to see what kind of arrangemesnts we could make, and we have decided it is going to be too expensive for them to make the trip now! I’m ok with cancelling the trip, but I really needed tonight to get a lot of things donw, and now all that figuring was for nothing. The reason I am sharing this will all of you, is because I immediately had cravings for comfort food! First time since I’ve started this plan. I have always known that stress is one of my big enemies, but evidently, I don’t manage it well. I guess I didn’t do too badly, but I had a little more for my evening snack than what I had planned. Oh well…tomorrow is another day!
    Seaborn…my bloating has gone down! Today my middrif was back to normal!
    Let’s stay positive and we’ll all win at this!

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