a FAQ suggestion

Home Forums Diet Water Cooler a FAQ suggestion

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  • #1477

    I just got an idea! Frankly, seeing some of the questions repeat a lot in the community, I think it would be a great idea to have a Frequently Asked Questions section on some part of the website (maybe even here in the community) – Say, something like a little dictionary explaining in one place what SWG is, and what raw milk is, etc… I think it would be a great help for the beginners finding their way around the menu. 🙂



    Great idea Lisa, I would like to see that as well. I would also like to see a whole chart of how many exchanges of foods to have each day. For times when I don’t want to use the menu planner.


    Lisa .. A GREAT idea.

    I’m just new here and as I read along I tend to get the feeling that this is a relatively new site and that it still has some growing pains?


    Hi everyone.,,,I feel as I look throught the forum each day it motivates me…to see questions answered by everyone..and you get to interact. maybe FAQ’s for new members…. but not for all questions..maybe if a question is repeated 10 times or something like that…Diane

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