Allergies and Gluten free

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    Using Diet with allergies and Gluten problems


    hi jostone..ihave allergies to dairy cheese eggs and also i have coeliacs disease(gluten products) i choose my weekly planner around this and have lost 9 kilos in 3 really isnt that had when you choose from your weekly and light.


    good morning from ontario canada

    I have no allergies to dairy or wheat but i decided about 2 wks ago to go organic & gluten free and I have substituted a lot of milk products with almond milk, rice milk & flours with rice flour, whole grain,almond .i have very low salt intake & substituted my sugars with maple syrup or sevia. I always have nuts such sunflowers, cashews, alomonds, dark chocolate, olive oil, plenty of green veg& plenty of fruits, at every meal or snack. I started the programme about 2 wks this saturday & I lost 6 lbs . I also exercise every day. For me its eating & living a lot healthier 🙂 take care .

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