Announcing: Summer Recipe Contest!

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Announcing: Summer Recipe Contest!

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    Looking for inspiration for July 4th barbeques? Have some great recipes of your own you’d like to share?

    Want your favorite recipe featured in our upcoming Summer Recipe Book?

    We are calling ALL members to share their best healthy summer recipes.

    Submit yours to be included in our new book of great summer recipes, plus get a free digital copy just for participating!

    Click here to view all the details on how to enter:

    Summer Recipe Contest


    Equipment needed:
    Large washpot [like for washing clothes]
    Outdoor fireplace for washpot
    Plenty of firewood
    Crocus sack
    Horse trough
    Clean washtub [no soap residue]

    1/2 bushel well-washed green peanuts
    1 cup iodized salt [adjust to taste—I like more salt]
    Water to fill washpot after peanuts are put in it

    Fill clean [sand scrubbed, no residue] washpot with peanuts
    Pour salt over peanuts
    Pour water over peanuts to fill pot
    Build fire around washpot
    Bring to full boil
    Boil until peanuts are consistency of baked beans—or softer
    [Test often by removing a peanut, unshelling, and tasting
    When done, dump in crocus sack
    Dip several times in horse trough to remove external salt
    Empty washed peanuts from crocus sack into washtub
    Place in convenient spot for eaters to fill containers
    Eat and enjoy

    Note: If peanut shells are not to be placed on the ground, trash
    containers need to be handy.

    Nutrition per 144 g
    fat—76 grams, no trans fat
    Cholesterol—0 grams
    sodium—461 milligrams
    carbohydrate–22 grams [6 grams sugar]
    Dietary fiber—14 grams
    Protein—40 grams
    Vitamin C—1.2 milligrams
    Calcium—87.8 milligrams
    Iron—2.2 milligrams
    Potassimum—1045 milligrams

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