Anti-Cellulite Diet

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    I have read that certain vegetables and fruits are great if I want to reduce cellulite. However, I wonder what foods do I need to avoid? Am I allowed to eat an occasional dessert or will this ruin my progress? I don’t want to find myself in a situation where I have lost weight everywhere except on my thighs. :/

    (Of course, I know that exercise and massage are also a big part of anti-cellulite treatment, but here I wanted to focus on nutrition.)


    “Occasional” desserts in small amounts probably don’t ruin anything if you’re doing many other good things for yourself (and rewards are important). The best foods for combating cellulite are those that (1) detoxify and (2) improve circulation – so fresh, CLEAN (including organic) fruits and vegetables that have bright colors (though onions and garlic are excellent, too), green tea with lemon, etc. It may also be helpful to cut back on fats, and make sure that the fats you do eat are the right kind – omega-3s, monounsaturated.
    But of course, nothing is a complete substitute for exercise.


    Thanks, I’ll keep your instructions in mind. I already cut down on bad fats and eat plenty of olives and fish so that should provide me with good fats and omega-3s, I hope.
    And yes, exercise and a massage make a huge difference and get my circulation going, especially if I spend a lot of time sitting at my desk.

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