Bad Knees

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    Hi, I want to know about the degree of exercise. I use the week 5 exercises but because my knees are so bad I only do them as much as I am able. IS THAT GOOD ENOUGH OR should I extend the number of exercises?


    I need to loose weight ASAP. I see so much information but no guidance what type of food to eat to loose weight. HELP! I cannot exercise because I tired quickly.


    Hi, ketty36. You can read about healthy foods in our “Tips and Tricks” articles (link through the toolbar near the top of each site page), and get ideas for healthy food preparation in our “Recipes” (link through the same toolbar). The menus you have here can guide you in terms of portion size and nutrient combinations (proteins with carbohydrates, good fats, and plenty of fruits and vegetables).
    As far as exercise goes, you can do 5 minutes at a time, a few times a day, with plenty of rest in between, and nothing strenuous. You can get ideas in the video clips provided in the “8-Week Plan” (link on the home page), at the bottoms of the pages for Weeks 1, 3, 5, and 7. Note that weight loss without any exercise means muscle loss more than fat loss, and can be damaging to your health. As you get in a little movement here and there, the fatigue will gradually diminish. Please repost here if you would like more guidance with this (or anything else).


    Hi. Like others I have very bad knees. But I also have a problem with my right shoulder and right elbow. I still want to exercise but am afraid of making it worse. What can I do?


    Hi, Icewater. Stretching is generally considered to be good for bad knees and shoulders, but do check with your doctor. Meanwhile, you can benefit from moves that keep you off your feet and target belly fat instead, like the Warrior Made series – you can check it out here: If you would like more guidance with this, please let me know.


    I recently had a revision total knee replacement. I’m so upset because I’ve gained 10 lb. since my surgery.
    So far, I can only do physical therapy, consists of stretching. Just started walking, so far can do 1/2 mile. Hoping with increase in this for now will help me.


    Hi, Bengalady. Congratulations on your surgery, but I’m sorry to read of your struggles. I’m glad you’re walking. Note that there are lots of things you can do that keep you off your feet – yoga and pilates, for example, can target belly fat without aggravating your knees.


    Hello. I have a lot of weight to lose and feel like it is taking forever. I had two knee surgeries so it is sometimes difficult trying to find an exercise buddy. Do you have this problem too? I cannot run or jump, basically no high impact. I guess that is why I am on here. Diet is going to playing a key role in me accomplishing my goal weight. Looking for advice, tips or words encouragement. Thanks.


    Hi, Kimchi2020. You don’t need to run or jump to be physically active. Even floor exercises can be very, very beneficial, especially because they tend to target belly fat (the source of many problems). I encourage you to look up “Warrior Made” – those are the best workouts, but definitely not the only ones of their type. You can even do their moves from the comfort of your bed. If you would like more information about this, please let me know (or you can reach out to Customer Service through the “Contact Us” link at the bottom left of each site page).


    Hello Kimchi 2020, I understand your frustration on trying to exercise after major surgery. I do not know what your underlying issues are or why you had knee surgeries. For me, the underlying issue is and will always be Osteoarthritis which led to a total left hip replacement. Frustration does not affect me as much as fear does. I am always afraid that I am going to damage a part of my body. My last follow up with my hip surgeon was December 3 2019 where he basically informed me that I need to lose weight, if not my hip will not work. I was doing well in January, February and March of 2020. However, as we all know, a big change took place in our workplaces due to the pandemic. Not only did I need to deal and challenge a new fear, but everything in our lives were altered. Needless to say, this added 10 lbs. I have been searching everywhere and anywhere to find a way to follow doctors orders. I have hope that I found it here. I have requested your friendship because I feel both of us, along with so many others, are in the same boat. A boat filled with frustration and fear.


    Dear patrons, I am looking to decreas my weight by 55lbs before 12/25/2020.
    I have a box implanted in my back which prevents any type of sit-ups, rolling on back, twisting and any exercises thats dealing with my back. Im going to start the eating slimdown program, but I need some type of exercises to start with.Thank you PastorJanice Butler


    Hi, JButler73. Walking is an excellent form of exercise, and you can do it at home if you wish – even just walking in place or pacing is enough (try it in front of the TV to make the time pass). It is recommended to do this for at least 20 minutes at a time, preferably a couple of times per day.
    Are you able to lift any weights, or is that too much strain on your back? Note that lifting does not need to be of very heavy weights – just something to work your arms. For example:


    I suffer for years muscule and join pain. My doctor in mexico told me is my tyroid. Here in USA told me is fibromyalgia. I am taking meds for tyroid i don’t feel exausted like before but i still gaving joins pain. What kind of exercises can i do? I am 50 years old


    Hi, lafinestmaids. The best exercises for fibromyalgia are those in water, such as “water aerobics.” Do you have regular access to a swimming pool? After that, yoga is considered to be very helpful.
    Walking can also help control pain and fatigue. Start by walking as little as five minutes a day and add 30 seconds or a minute each day if you can. Work up to 30 minutes to an hour of walking, three to four times a week. If you start to struggle, walk for a comfortable length of time for several days before increasing again. If you want a more intense workout for fat-burning, try alternating walking with slow jogging.

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