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    I have a question about the BMI. I read that it wasn’t an accurate tool for the elderly. Any info would be helpful. The weight is coming off but the BMI isn’t changing. Why?


    Hi, margr. Congratulations on your weight loss. BMI isn’t the most accurate too in general, but it is the most user-friendly at this time.
    I apologize – I’m not sure what you mean by “the weight is coming off but the BMI isn’t changing”. If your scale weight changes, the BMI number will eventually change. Are you referring to the appearance/feeling of the weight that is changing?


    Hi Ossie-Sharon; Sorry my note was ambiguous. I have lost 13 lbs. but only from 30 to 29 on my BMI scale.


    Hi, margr. According to my calculations (weight in kg over height in meters squared), your BMI went from 31 to 28.5 – that’s pretty good!

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