Can you add recipes to your menus?

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    I’ve found some lovely recipes in your collection, but there’s nothing to mark or check that you want to have a recipe included in your auto-generated menus. That would be really helpful.


    That’s a great suggestion and are looking for ways to add these to all 3 of the menu building options. In the meantime, you will be able to find the majority of the Trim Down Club Recipes in the Personal Menu Planner.
    For recipes that don’t appear in the Personal Menu Planner, simply find a Menu Planner recipe or food that is most similar to what you want—either by comparing exchanges or noting the various types of ingredients—and select it as a place-saver for the system. When it comes time to prepare your meal, make the swap. This can also work with your own personal recipes.
    For example, if you are interested in Cheap and Flexible Lentil Stew, one of our newer additions, note that it yields 2 carb + 2 protein exchanges per serving, the same as for Tomato Broccoli Cheesy Potato Bake, which appears in the Menu Planner lists.
    In another example, if you have a homemade chicken-vegetable soup you’d like to make, chances are it fits with the combination found in our Chicken Soup for the Gods—even if it isn’t a perfect match, it is more than likely sufficient.
    If you wish to incorporate a more unusual recipe, such as our Paleo Nut Stuffing, note that unless you have a specific medical condition, you can swap carbs for proteins (1 carb for 1 protein exchange) or fats (1 carb for 2 fat exchanges).
    Best 🙂


    I agree 100% and am finding that to be my most frustrating part about this process. Including the recipes and the items on my grocery list into one cohesive plan.

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