Can't get"solid blue bars"

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    Hi, Ed. No problem! The “or” just means that you have the option of, say, butter or jam for your toast. Yes, I did take your food examples into account.


    Hi Ossie, Oh, O.k. I thought only numbers should be in those columns. At first I thought it was a typo and it was actually suppose to be a zero.
    Next question; I see that the program wants you to eat 6 times a day. Can the program/Menu Planner be adjusted for 5 times a day?
    Reason way; My day is 8:am to 12 midnight (in bed). I try to eat every 3 hours…Wake at 8am, eat at 9am, 12 noon, 3pm, 6pm, 9pm and nothing for 3 hours before bed. I’m guessing and this will be a future question, that all those numbers are added up in each column or total and the total must be in a certain goal. Back to point, so can it be adjusted or it doesn’t matter? Or do we adjust me and my schedule? Thanks, Ed


    Hi, Ed. Five times per day is just fine. You can redistribute the items in the omitted meal over the other meals.


    Hi again Ossie-Sharon

    thanks for getting back to me. Having read a lot of the posts I have one more question. The amounts of carbs,proteins,fats, fruits,sweet and vegetables. Are they the same for everyone? I notice when you responded to Edward the amounts for each meal. Are mine the same? Or do they change with height, weight, goals etc?



    Hi Jbgio & Ossie,

    Great question Jbgio!! It was one of my future questions! So Ossie since Jbgio asked it first I’m also interested in this answer! My next question relates to the same issue; Can you achieve those numbers throughout the day or do you want to say… get all your carbs & proteins in the morning, fats & veggies in the afternoon etc.. Question; Why are Carbs, fruits & vegetables separated? Aren’t fruits & vegetables Carbs? I read in researching that fruits & veggies are carbs and some fruits & veggies are good carbs (fat burners) and some fruits & veggies are bad carbs (fat storers/keepers). You must learn the difference. I read potatoes, apples & bananas are bad carbs, while things like tomatoes, bell peppers, cucumbers, celery & oranges are good carbs. Was that research correct? I try to have one or more fat burners in every meal. I make a quinoa salad (get a tri-colored quinoa, golden, red & black with red & orange or what ever color bell peppers you like, chickpeas or any bean you like, add some cucumbers & celery, add a bit of hummus of your choice and balsamic vinegar. The amount of ingredients are to your liking, more of one item if you like it more, otherwise equal amounts w/all. Mix all together…HMMM GOOD) and when I have my bad stuff (cake or cookies) I eat 2 to 3 tablespoons right before or after my cake or cookies! I don’t know if it helps but in mind it does.


    Hi, jbgio and Ed. No, different people have different nutritional needs and get different diet patterns based on information provided at registration and your goals. Jbgio, you need a little less than Ed – 1 less carb each at breakfast and lunch and 1 less fat for your morning snack.
    Ed, with regard to your question, yes, vegetables and fruits are carbohydrates, but they are given their own category to make sure that you get a minimum of 5 total servings per day. Your menu ideas look great.


    Hi Ossie,
    Could you give me your take on when you should eat certain foods, morning, afternoon or evening. Like bananas, I read that they give you energy. So maybe that banana or banana smoothie should not be eaten at night that it might give you too much energy to get to sleep? Or does the MP take care of all that?


    Hi, Ed. The Menu Planner does in fact take care of that issue.
    As an side, the way bananas give you energy will not impair your sleep, and in fact, bananas are considered to be great sleep aids. As a matter of principle, the foods in the Menu Planner will not impair sleep, with the possible exception of chocolate.


    Hi Ossie,

    I’m glad to hear that I got that info wrong about bananas. I can start having my banana smoothie again at night.

    Well I’m glad to say that I have achieved “solid blue bars”! My problem with the MP now in involves drinks. I have a 5 to 6 ounces of skim milk with every meal and snack for my protein help (I love my milk. I use to drink a lot of milk a day, half a gallon or more a day. I have cut down to 25 to 30 ounces a day. 5 ounces 5 times a day.) Although, the MP allows a 8 ounce glass of milk at only ONE meal a day. How do I change that?


    How do I change that for EVERY meal?


    Hi Ossie,

    I need help with portions; for example; where can I go to find out how much is: a half ounce of Almond, 2 or 3 ounces of chicken, 2 medium egg whites, 1 ounce of Avocado or 5 ounces of Salmon etc. Thanks Ed.


    Hi, Ed. If you want milk with every meal, you can have 5 oz instead of any ounce of protein or 1/3 cup of carb on your menu – you can make the choice of what to swap out at the actual mealtime.
    With regard to the portion amount, if you don’t have a kitchen scale (something that can be quite helpful in general), you can use the United States Department of Agriculture database here:


    Hi Ossie, Since I now have a menu where do I go to see “my pattern” of carbs, proteins etc..The way you did it for me a week ago in a post, you clarified the points. And will that place show me how to calculate the points and tell me what my total points should be?


    Hi, Ed. Click on “Exchange view” in the toolbar above your finished menu.


    Hi Ossie, there is no “Exchange View” in the toolbar above the finished menu or on the page itself. All there is, is “Edit Menu”, “Create New Menu” and “Print Menu” that’s all. I do not see “Exchange View” anywhere on the entire page of the finished menu page.

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