
Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Conversions

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    Good Morning Ossie-Sharon

    Where can I find the web page for converting measurements (cups/grams?)


    Hi, smsupersuper. Next to your finished menu, look past the bottom of the tools list (usually to the right of “Dinner” in your first day) – you will see “Units” next to a pull down menu. There you can change the units.


    Thank You Ossie-Sharon but I was looking for an independent web-site that you had posted once where you can take different foods and convert measurements to weight. I am on vacation and am working on a different computer where I don’t have it saved in my favourites.


    Hi, smsupersuper. Foods can get pretty complicated that way, so the only way to really check is food by food at the USDA or other similar database (USDA is currently down, of course). I once gave a rather rough estimate of various food groups – 1 cup of animal food (meat or dairy) or cooked grain is about 240 g, 1 cup of flour is 120 g, 1 cup of fruit is 150 g.
    A general website for general conversions is

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