Cooking Apples – Fruit or Veg?

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Cooking Apples – Fruit or Veg?


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    I have a cooking apple tree in my garden so have a lot of fresh organic cooking apples (obviously at this time of year they are frozen as apple sauce with no added sugar/sweetener). I cannot see these on the lists but do they count as a fruit (i.e. same as eating apples) or a vegetable(as they are only used in cooking)? I want to use them with some dinner recipes, but no fruit is allowed with dinner?


    Hi, Michelle. Yes, they count as a fruit. However, since they are so starchy, they absolutely can substitute for potato or rice (or whatever starchy carbohydrate) you have at dinner AND can count as a vegetable – meaning you can have a larger portion (each cup would be an exchange, instead of 1/3 or 1/2 cup of cooked rice or potato).


    Thanks, I had some apple with my pork at dinner (yummy). The apple goes well with steamed sweet potato too – never tried that before 🙂

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