Cost Concious Mom

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    I took my menu to the store to purchase the food. If I eat this way, I can eat for 3 days and no more. I only budget $3-4 per day for my food. The food pantry doesn’t usually have the kinds of food on the diets your computer program makes. This is hugely expensive unless you have a personal garden, can food in season, and go fishing every day. I purchased the 3 days of food and stretched in out for a week. I don’t have a scale so I don’t know if I lost weight. Help…there has to be a cheaper and easier way to do this. As a diabetic, my food really doesn’t matter. After all, my food is my medication. Please help me develop a simple, easy – no cook, and inexpensive plan. I changed from soy to almond milk. I am off all sweeteners. Haven’t had a soda for a year, eat no meat or fish, total vegan except for 4 eggs per week. I exercise 2 times a day for 30 min each. I hate being fat, sad and hopeless. Now what?


    Hi, Grandma Sani. Don’t worry too much about the specialty foods. The point is to eat whole, unprocessed foods that are low in fats or provide good fats, low in simple sugars and salt.
    Take advantage of the simpler foods in the Menu Planner, and do note that frozen vegetables are just fine, as are canned no-added-salt beans and vegetables, and fruit in its natural juice.


    Mabe could help. This is what i do to cut cost….

    Home canning Kidneybeans and and all sort of garbazano bean and navy bean … Beans are cheap in bags… just soak and can proprelly,
    I bought 4 year ago a bulk of Grean Tea : GunPowder $5.00 and i still have for long time …1 or 2 tea pot a day.
    And also Roll Oat is cheap.
    Vegies are cheap in season . Carrot, green pepper and other easily freezable …

    I do a lot of homecanning … Beats. carrots, ..Poultry stock.
    Home made soup… with a peace of celeri,carot,and onion beans .
    A lot of youtube video explaning how to do

    Hope help a bit..


    I also have some concerns on what looks like a costly food plan. Looks like more than my budget will allow tho.


    Hi, NaNaG57. Don’t worry about anything too “designer” in nature. As long as you choose fresh, whole, unprocessed foods, you will be benefiting a lot.


    Ok I am new to this program also and agree the menu looks costly and I am willing to sacrafice for the weight loss however you made mention to the simpler plan under the planning menu. I have searched and cannot locate that, what am I actually looking for, and can anyone help me find that? Thanks in advance. Nancy


    Hi, nhartman. As you go through the Menu Planner, note that there are some more common foods listed there – there is nothing wrong with starting with those and gradually working in the less familiar foods.
    Or erhaps you are referring to the 14-day express menu? It is available through this link (through My Downloads above) – scroll down to the bonus area, and you will see the link to the PDF.
    The express meal plan still contains some foods that may be unfamiliar to you – you can substitute in other foods from the same food group, if you wish. Just to use whole, fresh foods instead of refined and processed, and you will benefit.

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