Cow's Milk/Soya/Alpro subsitutes

Home Forums Nutrition & Diet Cow's Milk/Soya/Alpro subsitutes


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    Can someone please clarify which, of the above milks, are in fact more healthy and which is better for weight loss.
    I have read that Soya milk actually contains many additives and preservatives – is this true?


    Hi, Floripa. Different people have different needs, but as long as the daily intake of nutrients meets your requirements while excluding harmful chemicals as much as possible, either can be fine. Dairy milk can be disadvantageous if it contains additives such as “milk solids,”which can actually cause harm – however, organic pastured milk without those additives can be very supportive of health, including healthy weight management. Similarly, not all soy milks are created equal, so it is very important to read labels – go for organic, and avoid artificial additives (other than vitamins and minerals). Just as important, sure any medical condition you may have is not affected by either choice.


    Alpro is fine, by the way.

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